Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard Core series even after you did changes to your DV

Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard Core series even after you did changes to your DV

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Active Member
I'm not trying to drag this issue but I like to know before I spend 200+ dollars on these series. Let's keep it to a "yes" and "no" answer since the other thread containes enough details of this issue.

Thanks :)
RE: Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard ...

My DVD player is 2-years-old and I'm hooked up to mono sound on my TV, but everything sounds the way it usually does.

I'd like to say thanks to Cathe for another great series!
RE: Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard ...

The music is loud enough to give me a beat on the strength workouts, and it's loud enough on the cardio workouts that I won't have a problem hearing it. I've got one workout of Cathe's where the music is so loud that it interferes with my ability to hear her cuing at times. I think the volume is fine on the new HC.
RE: Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard ...

At first the music sounded low, but I monkeyed around with the DVD remote control audio buttons and was able improve it greatly. It sounds good now.

RE: Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard ...

I am having problems - and we have the latest and greatest sound system. Granted that some seem to be happy, but with such a great percent (40% at this point in your poll alone), I think SNM should do something about it for these loyal customers.

Just my 2 cents....

I voted NO because the music does not bother me. I guess if you are really into having loud music then maybe it would bother you. I am one that NEVER uses the music louder option on the blast series, I just use normal. I used to teach kickboxing and there were ALWAYS people who wanted the music LOUDER LOUDER LOUDER. SOOOO, what I'm saying is I guess this could just be a personal preference. I guess I can say that I did notice the music in IMAX3 might be just a TAD BIT lower then normal but, like I said, it doesn't bother me at all. If it wasn't all over this website, I wouldn't even have noticed it. ORRRR maybe I'm just not being affected by the problem that others are having. COREMAX sounds loud to me, not lower at all. Just my experience and two cents.

RE: Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard ...

My problem is pretty much fixed with the suggests by SNM, but there is definitely a difference in sound from each DVD. I was previewing one, can't remember which, and I had the sound turned up pretty loud so I could the music. I then put in Core Max and it was so loud that it scared my dog and I definitely had to turn it down.
RE: Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard ...

Mine are all working perfectly! I do have a Bose surround sound stereo system hooked up to our big screen tv so that might have something to do with it? It is the only dvd player we have in the house so I haven't tested it with any other tv/dvd.

I do however wish it had the music louder option :( However, the workouts look amazing so I can deal with it !
I just thought it was me -- I prefer loud music when I work out and the music in this series seems low and muffled -- like the first IMAX.

It is a shame because I really like the soundtrack in this series.
RE: Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard ...

I have 2 DVD players and the sound difference between them is like night and day. On one the music is a soft background and on the other it is great! I feel for anyone having problems because the sound quality is actually very good on the Hardcore DVDs.

One thing I've noticed is that my DVD player with poor sound quality is connected through the VCR and the TV does not have a R and L audio input.

Please try ALL the SNM suggestions before giving up on the sound. I honestly feel that this issue is related to setup and audio input and not defective DVDs.

Good luck to all of you! LowMax and IMax3 are a blast with music.
Some of mine are fine whereas some aren't. To name a few, Muscle Max and Core Max were fine - however, KickMax and the Gym Style: Chest&Triceps were NOT fine.

Just a thought:

Seems like some have excellent sound on all DVD's, some have poor sound on all DVD's, and some have poor sound on only a few of their DVD's. It would be nice if there were some way to compare serial numbers. Seems like one could trace back to where the problem originated if it is coming from the DVD's.

It is just an idea.:)
RE: Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard ...

I just wanted to say that some may not have a choice, but to hook up their DVD players either through a VCR or some other piece of equipment. I have to hook the DVD player in my bedroom through another piece of equipment because it doesn't have audio jacks. It has one spot in the back for the cable hookup and nothing else.
RE: Are you having problems with low music w/ the Hard ...

No problems with the music level. In fact, I have done IMAX 3 and LowMax and was still able to hear the music over the sound of my heartbeat crashing in my head!! I've previewed all the others, and they are, thankfully, fine. I have to admit, I was worried reading some of the comments while I was awaiting mine. Cindy
I've just previewed Low Max and Stretch Max so far, and while the music isn't as loud as usual in Low Max, that's not the main problem. What I hear sounds like a microphone problem: Cathe's voice sounds too loud and harsh at times, sometimes tinny, sometimes like bad reception on a basement telephone. When I reduce the volume to attempt to get rid of the harshness (I got tinitus from listening to it!), the music IS too low.

In Stretch Max, the music (and sound in general) is too low, IMO. (But I don't like the music, so I wouldn't necessarily want it louder!).

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