I have an iPad that I pre-ordered within the first hour that you could pre-order, but I don't know if that qualifies me as "hard core"

. In our house, we already had an iMac, two MacBook Pros, an iPod touch and an iPod shuffle each for DS and DD. Okay, so maybe I'm hard core. (I'm a graphic designer so I'm allowed to be an Apple fan!!).
Anyway, I love my iPad, which is the 16 GB wifi model. I was planning to replace my iPod touch with it, but then i saw that 2nd generation iPod Touches weren't selling for much on eBay, so i'll just keep it. But I haven't used it since the iPad showed up! The only complaints I have are very minor...no multitasking (as in side by side windows) and no file management system. So for the moment it's a completely entertainment-centric device ("toy") but I am finding ways to work around the productivity limitations by getting some useful third party apps.
Today I was amazed to try out my latest app purchase, Desktop Connect. It immediately found my MacBook Pro as soon as I turned on "screen sharing" in system preferences, and there was my laptop desktop on my iPad screen! Took me a minute to get used to the slight delay in responsiveness, but it wasn't long before I had edited a photo in Photoshop and made some changes to an InDesign file (my bread and butter). PowerPoint was fine and dandy too. Nice to know I can leave my laptop at home and still access my work with the iPad, wherever wifi is available. There's your file management system and multitasking right there!
Words with Friends is also a really fun iPad game...it's exactly like scrabble, only cheaper and intended to be "asynchronous"...a fancy word for sometimes waiting over 2 days for your online opponent to play...aside from that, it's awesome!
I also love reading books on the iPad, getting news and weather, doodling in drawing apps and watching Netflix and YouTube videos. Oh yeah, I mentioned in another thread that I use the Bento app to keep a workout log and plan rotations as well as a general to-do list for everything. The iPad has replaced my iPod for music - listening to my own library and Pandora radio.
Having the wifi only version just makes me want to use all these online-only features everywhere I go, but I couldn't justify the 3G price and the monthly fee. Plus there is really no AT&T service around where I live.
That's probably way more info than you wanted, but I love talking about my iPad. Any more questions, just ask!!