Are you a "scheduled" person or "fly by the seat"......

RE: Are you a

Confuscious say, "He who follows tight schedule too anal-ytical."
Confuscious also say, "He who flies by seat of pants hang loose."
;-) ;-) ;-) :+

RE: Are you a


I can totally relate, and sometimes those "unplanned" moments can reap wonderful experiences...

On our honeymoon in England, our rental car's windshield (or "windscreen" as they say in the UK) shattered while we were near the Cotswalds. We spent two hours in a convenience store waiting for the repair guys. We had a great time talking to the cashier on duty, Pam and all the locals who came in. After the windscreen was fixed, we ended up back at a B & B in a small village where we'd stayed earlier during our trip, but we had to go to the attached pub first. We'd already called the B&B owner and told her of our delimma and to see if she had a room. Well, evidently, she told everyone at the pub, because, when we walked in, the whole room of people turned and yelled welcomes to us! The owner declared, "They're on their honeymoon, they shouldn't be dealing with broken windscreens!" They kept the pub open late and we drank the local bitter with another couple, the owner, and the bartender.

When we tell our type-A friends that story, they usually cringe, but it was one of our fondest memories of our trip.
RE: Are you a

Interesting post. I'm a Program Manager/Product Manager workwise so do lots of planning. However I think the best thing is to have a general plan and realize the only constant is changed. So many PM folks are SOOOO rigid and SOOOO anal that if things don't go as planned they totally lose it. On the other hand without a plan things often don't get accomplished. So for me is having a plan but being flexible (go with the flow). So it's a combo of both!

Great topic

With working out I plan 6 days a week (I'm doing X now) but I don't set a definitive time (just pm) and I'm flexible with what is the rest day. Gotta go with the flow of which day is the rest day! This works great for me!
RE: Are you a

I just don't know. Maybe I'm a bit of both?

As a student, I never once studied the night before a test. I always had my studying done in advance because I would get too nervous to leave it until later. If I have a deadline at work, I always finish early to avoid anxiety. On the other hand, I hate weekend plans. I'm moody and never know what I'm going to feel like. Some weekends I'm full of energy, and some weekends I want to curl up into a ball and just sleep. I'd much rather make plans at the last minute to suit my mood.

So where does that leave me??? Maybe I have a "split personality", as they used to say. Maybe I'm just nuts. :p :+

RE: Are you a

Everything is on a schedule for me, and I can't do it any other way. I have to keep things organized.
RE: Are you a

I think I am a bit of both. I can plan with the best of them. Then I can try to follow my plan and end up doing something else. A different workout than whats on the rotation etc. I usually go with flow. But if I have my heart set on doing something and plans get changed I get upset and then get over it. Otherwise I try to enjoy whatever is going on.

RE: Are you a

I'm a planner married to a "fly by the seat of his pants...." when it comes to traveling anyway. I am trying really really hard to relax but it just seems to be against my nature. The most spontaneous unplanned (well not really unplanned but last minute) was going to the World Series this year---decided to go, spent 1/2 day getting tickets to the game, airline/hotel/car arrangements (we live 1,000 miles away from St Louis) and then hoping all connections including actually receiving the tickets went right. A planner's nightmare & a real challenge but everything worked out perfectly with only a few tense moments. I took a lot of deep deep breaths to remain turns out my FBTSOHP husband was more nervous than I was!!

I definitely think there can be compromise. I feel more comfortable planning down to the last detail when I travel, and he just lets me. I secretly think he's glad I do it so he doesn't have to!

RE: Are you a

I used to be anal about planning and scheduling. Then I married my DH. We are ranchers, and let me tell you, there is no such thing as a schedule when you ranch. Weather, breakdowns, and livestock do not have schedules and there for, it is impossible for us to have one. I do still plan alot of stuff but have learned to be very flexible if things don't go as planned.
RE: Are you a

I have been struggling with how to answer this question for 2 days!! :) My parents are MAJOR planners... as in, they plan every minute of every day. Growing up with them, I learned how to do that. Then I (thankfully!) met my husband and learned how to relax a bit. I absolutely love to fly by the seat of my pants!

I went shopping with my sister yesterday and she was going back to the mall map every other store to see where we should go next! I almost bopped her on the head! It was *shopping*!!! :p :p

My best planning scenario is my wedding: I planned everything out and let everyone know what the schedule was. Every time I handed it to another person/vendor, I told them this was the goal, but life can do tricky things. My entire plan for my wedding was to plan up until the day of the wedding and then let it all go. It was a wonderful way to work! All of my vendors looked at me in awe and commented on how laid back a bride I was. That cracks me up, since I can be as anal as the best of them!! }( But I guess my general philosophy can come across to many as laid back: if you are planning, think of the worst thing that could happen. Make peace with that worst-case scenario, and then everything after that is gravy!! :7
RE: Are you a

<<My old favorite saying was "sh*t or get off the pot">>

LOL, I love this quote.

Okay, how's this for contradictory: I'm a planner, but I find that my planning enables me to have the time to be spontaneous!

I get very annoyed with people who routinely change/cancel plans on me (usually for no good reason). There's a big difference between being spontaneous and just being indecisive.
RE: Are you a

I'm like Nancy in that I plan my weekdays. But I like to be loosy goosy on the weekends. I am not a planner by nature but have learned that a little bit of planning can make life a lot easier.
RE: Are you a

As a sometimes obsessive planner I occasionally go with "the plan to have no plan." It keeps things interesting...and allows me to discover the little things about the world I hadn't "planned" on.
RE: Are you a

I completely cannot stand to have nothing planned for a day, though; even a weekend!! Even if it is just doing laundry, I need to have SOME goal of some sort. DH is completely opposite- he can have 1 thing to do all day long and start it at 8pm. Ooooh that drives me insane!!! If I have one thing to do, I want to get it out of the way and then relax!

See, I knew I couldn't just post in this one and leave it at that, LOL. Had to keep coming back!!! }( :7

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