Are you a phone person?

Another vote for "Hate the phone." I even have a message on my answering machine that informs callers that I screen ALL calls and will not answer the phone if I get an "unknown name, unknown number" on the caller id.

I do, however, love to post on the Cathy forums! I also love to IM, although I do screen who sees I am online.

Thanks Debbie for starting this very interesting thread, I am curious to see if we get anyone who loves chatting on the phone.


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore,
is not an act but a habit.

When I was a teenager I had my own phone line...Sometimes I would stay on the phone all d@mned night long!!! LOL Once I reached adulthood the phone became less and less appealing to me especially since most of the jobs I had were centered around customer service so I was on the phone all day long! ACK!

In the age of email, IM and all of this other stuff I rarely use the phone! There are a few people I talk to "the old fashioned way" simply because it's the form of communication that THEY prefer...

It's actually kind of sad when you think about it though...The age of the PC has really turned us into a colder society. The fact that we would rather type an email to a good friend instead of hearing thier voice is pretty lame, don't ya think? I'm not knocking anyone as I am the same way...I'm just saying...:(
I hate talking on the phone unless it's family. E-mail is so much easier to keep in touch with friends because everyone is always so busy.
Sorry if I'm going off on a bit of a tangent here but everyone speaking of email and IM made me think of it.

I attended a presentation earlier this week where they showed a slide depicting how the different generations use technology to communicate. *Keep in mind these are generalizations and there are always exceptions to the rule.

50 and older - prefer traditional methods (ie. phone, voicemail, face-to-face)

28-50 - are aware of new technology but may not be very saavy in how to use it

27 & younger - very technically saavy and consider email "something their parents & grandparents use"; they use IM, text message, myspace, VoIP (voice over internet) to communicate

The point of the presentation was that we need to keep the younger generation in mind when developing software applications because their technology expectations are different.

Makes me wonder what the future for forums like this are? I sure hope it's not video conferencing because I'm sitting here in my pajamas as I type this! :+


P.S. There are times I definitely prefer the phone over email. I've been stuck in "email hell" with users where the emails go back and forth and back and forth (even worse if you're merely copied in as an FYI!).
Another phone hater here! I have to be in the mood to chat and then I dont mind the phone.

Sue you hit the nail on the head with the age groups!
I have noticed this as well. My kids constantly text and im and never speak on the phone.
It makes me wonder where these kids will be socially in 10 years. The early years talking on the phone can develop your social skills.
Alot of the responses here were that they talked alot when they were younger.
My kids go out of their way to text or im over speaking on the phone.
Just seems weird. You get much more out of a phone conversation. (even though I dont care for It! but heck I am over 40!)

:) So relieved to find out I am not the only person on the face of earth who dislikes the phone! I have a cell phone only for emergencies and necessary conversations! I have coworkers...they go to the gym. I wonder how they find the time...I too, am comfortable with myself, my cats, and DH when he is around. You know, work, kids, Grandkids, all makes doing my workouts with cathe a challange! Dianne
I'm not a cell phone user at all. I have a cell phone and it's usually dead in my purse because I never check it or use it, so in an emergency, I have a 50/50 chance of actually having a functioning cell phone. LOL!

However, we just hired a new driver who seems to be on his cell phone constantly! I have addressed this issue with him before he even started and told him that we provide cell phones for use with work and that he is not allowed to take his in the truck with him. I don't want to be his "mother", but when you are driving a loaded semi, there is public safety to be concerned about here. I think he still sneaks the phone with him....urg! Don't really know what to do about it. I am considering telling him that if I catch him with his personal cell phone in the truck that he will be fired. He must talk to his girlfriend 15 times a day. What do they talk about????? Hmmmmmm - honey - do you think I should wipe or drip dry?}( I can't imagine talking to my DH that many times during the day - it would completely annoy the heck out of me.

Just wanted to say, I also have green eyes and am left handed....


and I am not a really chatty person on the phone, unless the person on the other end can carry most of the converstion, I run out of things to talk about and ready to hang up lol....

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