are we going to get ANY updates?


Hi Cathe/SNM,
I was wondering if we are going to get any little bit of information on the new workouts....are you filming yet?
Even one photo would be great.
Thank you!
I think this is a long time to be holding the "presale" people's money. Not very good business practice imo.
when did the pre-sale start? it's been so long i've forgotten! i ordered within a few minutes of it being opened up!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
i believe it started either september or october. i am getting antsy for the workouts but i am just impatient anyway so that is just me.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
If you dont like the open ended Presales - don't do it! I am sure most people here understand production - yes - we are all anxiously awaiting any news - I check the site several times a day - BUT... I am willing to put up my money for the great pre-sale prices to get the most exceptional workouts on the market. Most other workouts/instructors do not give you that option. I would hate for Cathe to change these business practices and NOT give us the presale options.

On that note - Cathe mentioned that there will be no updates until filming is done. One small update always leads to hundreds of other inquires - so I can totally understand waiting until they are done to fend off all the interim questions.
>If you dont like the open ended Presales - don't do it!


I appreciate the reminder. If you re-read Cathe's post she did state that the four upcoming videos were to be a Fall production:

I don't think you can argue that it's still 'Fall' anymore. Pre-sales began on Sept 16th. In the past it has typically taken Cathe 5 months from finishing filming to shipping the final product. Receiving these workouts in May 2006 is a bit of a stretch for a 'Fall 2005' estimate.

I think her pre-ordering customers have a right to ask for an update. If Cathe/SNM wishes to respond with something non-committal such as 'we're working on it, we'll have more news after Christmas' this would be a very kind & professional courtesy.

Having said that, the pre-order price is very attractive if Cathe does go on to sell these workouts for $22.99-$24.99 each - however on previous pre-sales sometimes the discount has only been $2-4 per DVD. So each individual needs to balance that with the prospect of how long that money will be tied up.

We have a saying in Marketing that says 'For satisfied customers you should underpromise and overdeliver'. I would think that if Cathe had said these workouts would be available in June and delivered them in May she would have some delighted customers who felt informed and had their expectations set properly.

Wishing Cathe & SNM the best...

Dawn P.
>If you dont like the open ended Presales - don't do it! I am
>sure most people here understand production - yes - we are all
>anxiously awaiting any news - I check the site several times a
>day - BUT... I am willing to put up my money for the great
>pre-sale prices to get the most exceptional workouts on the
>market. Most other workouts/instructors do not give you that
>option. I would hate for Cathe to change these business
>practices and NOT give us the presale options.
>On that note - Cathe mentioned that there will be no updates
>until filming is done. One small update always leads to
>hundreds of other inquires - so I can totally understand
>waiting until they are done to fend off all the interim

I agree! HOWEVER, when the presale started it was clear that filming for this set would begin in the fall. Cathe stated "While it is my intention to stick to these workout ideas as closely as possible, any or all of the listed workouts will be subject to change (if needed) in order to enhance the flow and effectiveness of the workout."

She said nothing about the TIMING of the filming only that the ideas were subject to change.

As far as I know, there are only 14 more days left to Fall. A completely new set was supposed to be filmed in the Winter.

When I preorder, I like to know, approximately, when my order will arrive. In some states, it is even illegal to charge a person's credit card without sending the "goods." Many places that accept pre-orders will only charge your credit card when the order is ready to ship.

If Cathe/SNM does not want to "fend off all the interim questions," then, it is IMHO that pre-ordersare either not accepted or charges are only applied when the workouts are ready to be shipped.

Cathe/SNM are make money off our money with preorders. I think it is only fair & considerate to allow customers to know where they are in this process.

I await for the tomato throwing to begin. :9

Shelly -

Not going to throw any tomatoes ;-) but just wanted to say I've preordered every series since CTX and I don't think the wait this time has been any longer than usual. Also, I've always been satisfied with the finished product and would much rather wait a little longer for a quality product that get something sooner that is sub-par (not that Cathe would ever do that anyway).

Just my .02.

> I've always been satisfied with the finished product and would much
>rather wait a little longer for a quality product that get
>something sooner that is sub-par (not that Cathe would ever do
>that anyway).

IMO, the premixes and chapterings in some of the HC's were not up to the usual standards of Cathe workouts.

For those of you who don't like the long wait (especially since SNM takes your money right away), CKSales is a great alternative to ordering from this site. They have excellent customer service, offer the same guarantee on the DVD's that SNM does, and DON'T charge your card UNTIL THE DVD'S ARE READY TO SHIP! The only disadvantage for those of us not in Canada is that they are a Canadian company, and you will receive the DVD's later than if you ordered from SNM directly.
Everything seems to be going as explained by SNM/Cathe. I can understand the anticipation but I don't understand the uproar. The pre-order process was explained clearly and based on past pre-orders this process is no different. If the workouts aren't filmed by the end of Fall, I would expect an annoucement. If you are dissatisfied, cancel your order. For those that didn't pre-order but who are complaining, I don't know what can be done.

I appreciate the discount that I got. I have pre-ordered from other instructors and usually only get 2 dollars off per workout. So, if I have to wait longer, it is worth it to me for the discount.

Everyone's tolerance is different. Do what is right for you,
jordan :)

ETA: I corrected the word Fall.
"Also, I've always been satisfied with the finished product and would much rather wait a little longer for a quality product that get something sooner that is sub-par"

Sue, I think all of us want a quality product, but what does that have to do with just providing an update?

I agree with Dawn that we have the right to ask for an update, but I think it's more than just professional courtesy to provide an answer - even if it's noncommittal. I think that they are obligated to do it. Really, what other product can you pre-order and then just sit back and wait for the company to let the customer know when the product will be made and then delivered?

I'm in no hurry to get the workouts, but I think it's wrong for SNM to expect us to hand over money for pre-orders, but not ask for updates - especially when they are behind schedule.

I don't think anyone is actually complaining about the time in which we receive the workouts. I think everyone just wants an update as to where they are with filming. Yes, Cathe did say there would be no more updates until after filming, so now we're all left here just hanging. I don't think it is the wait that is bothering everyone, it is the no announcements that bothers everyone. We do want quality products, but we also want updates.
>I think her pre-ordering customers have a right to ask for an
>update. If Cathe/SNM wishes to respond with something
>non-committal such as 'we're working on it, we'll have more
>news after Christmas' this would be a very kind & professional

Hi Dawn,

There has been an update post. I don't have a link but if you do a search I'm sure that you'll find it. The question on updates has also been addressed by Cathe. It is easy to miss things but if you do a search you will probably find them.

Have a nice one,
Erica -

I wasn't addressing the lack of update issue but the issue of the long wait for the workouts after the pre-order. I agree, an update would be nice.

this was the last post cathe has made on the subject

she has mentioned she doesn't want to give exact dates b/c when they are not met on those dates, many tend to get upset. i am sure she will tell us something so let's not take it out on cathe. if there are others(i.e. anybody from SNM) that can speak on the subject then yes it would be nice to address the concerns of customers asking, just to ease their mind.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
> snip - I don't think it is the wait
>that is bothering everyone, it is the no announcements that
>bothers everyone. We do want quality products, but we also
>want updates.

Hi Kelley,

I can certainly understand this request. I think this is a good topic for future pre-orders. Start a thread here or in the suggestions forum so people can voice their preference. Of course, SNM/Cathe do/does have the final say in this matter.

>I await for the tomato throwing to begin. :9

I am not going to throw tomatoes either Shelly.

Cathe specifically stated that the filming will be in the FALL. Fall officially ends December 21. In stating this, maybe she and crew are working on the filming, or maybe not. But there is nothing wrong in letting your customers know a status/update. Especially when there are $$$$'s tied up front. Another thing, usually the pre-sale moves more swiftly and I noticed that only one change has occured since the announcement in August. And also, August to December is quite a number of months to create and film for winter release. If there is a snafu, it is the company responsiblity to its customers to let them know of a delay, and if you want a refund, to do that REFUND.

We all know that pre-sales are SNM's thing, but information of what your money is tied into is not asking a whole lot, either.

Lastly, Cathe also indicated a winter filming of some new DVD's. Is that still a go? I can not think it is, if the FALL has not started. But hey, I may be wrong.

Just some things to make you go....UMMMMMMM

Not hatin', just want some information....

>when did the pre-sale start? it's been so long i've
>forgotten! i ordered within a few minutes of it being opened
It started after Labor Day in September. I know that I ordered on the last day of September to get the best deal. I believe that the prices went up on October 1.
>she has mentioned she doesn't want to give exact dates b/c
>when they are not met on those dates, many tend to get upset.
>i am sure she will tell us something so let's not take it out
>on cathe. if there are others(i.e. anybody from SNM) that can
>speak on the subject then yes it would be nice to address the
>concerns of customers asking, just to ease their mind.

i've been reading in the other fitness forums... and there are a LOT of dissatified (uhm... maybe even agry) cathe customers at the lack of updates... someone mentioned that even a negative update is better than no update.... (i.e. a little glitch happened so we are behind schedule.. which they obviously are)....

unfortunately SNM has always avoided doing the good customer service thing.. whether it's updates... or whether it's admitting to faulty dvd's (i haven't had dvd issues... *knock on wood*... but all the posts and the blatent ignoring of the problem...)

anyways.... i'm waiting.... wouldn't have mentioned this if it wasn't being brought up in every fitness forum i visit.... i'll wait... but it would be nice to get thrown a bone once in a while....

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!

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