Are there any PM exercisers out there?


Hi all! I've been reading the thread about AM exercisers and really enjoying it! I have been working out in the evenings, b/c I can't give up my Friends and Will and Grace late at night, so the early bedtime just never happens! How do you all stay motivated to stick with it after long days? I've found that a cup of coffee around 7:00 helps perk me right up for a 8:30 or 9:00 workout. What do you do?:)
Kathy H
The only time I get to exercise during the week is at night. I'm not a morning person and couldn't imagine getting up an hour earlier to do anything - I have no energy. On a good day I pop in a tape as soon as I get home around 6:30 but oftentimes I'm working out around 8 or 9pm because of my active schedule. Weekends are optional but I usually do it in the late morning.
Exercise is lots of work. I figure anytime you can get it done and out of the way is best.
I did it for about two years. I loved it the whole time. I have been working out mid-morning mixed with some evenings now. I don't know how I did it and enjoyed it though! Now, it seems I'm more tired at night.

I was doing it cause it was the only time I could do it without interruption. Now that my son is 2 and a little better at keeping busy while I work out I don't have to. Maybe, just knowing I have other options makes the evening workouts less inviting!

:) Yes, I am a PM exerciser and I will always be a PM exerciser. I'm just not a morning person. The very thought of getting up at 5am to workout makes me want to puke. I would much rather workout at 6 or 7pm. That's just me:p
I use to be an AM exerciser until the birth of my son 5 months ago. Now the only time I get to exercise is after he goes to bed which is around 8pm. It did take some getting use to but I kind of like it now.

I'm a PM exerciser too. I workout between either at 7 or 8 pm. after everything is settled when I come home from work. I tried getting up early but it wasn't working for me. :)
I work out as soon as I get home from work - usually around 5:00pm. Then I get washed up or take a shower and have dinner. I find that working out before dinner really helps me control my eating!
I frequently find myself working out at 11 pm. I teach some labs until 9, then never get home til after ten, so this is what works for me. I do not usually feel like working out when I get up. This week (school is over), I have been working out around noon :p)
Hi Kathryn! I get home from work at 6:30 rush to make dinner (use George Foreman's grill) for me & whip something else up for DH & son. Then quickly go over my son's homework, TRY to watch a little of Oprah, husband cleans up dishes & at 7:30 I change into my athletic gear, go downstairs to workout. I try not to do my workout later than 7:45. I try also not to go longer than 9:00. Got to tuck my son into bed (he's only 11); talk a little, etc. I've been working out for almost 20 yrs. so its unheard of for me NOT to work out. I absolutely LOVE it! That's what keeps me motivated. Kathy:D
I don't even talk in the morning, much less work out.

I've been working out in the evening for 12 years. When the children were young, I never had much of a schedule, I would workout when I could fit it in. Now I can exercise whenever I want to, and I choose between 6-7 p.m., when I feel settled enough from eating dinner. I try to finish before 8.

I don't eat or drink anything but water after exercising, so dinner at 5:00 is it for the evening. I find I sleep better if I exercise at night and don't eat several hours before bedtime. I wake up starving and eat a big breakfast every day.

That's my schedule, and I love it!
I workout right when I get home. I say hello to hubby, give the fur faces some quick time while I change (toss the ball, etc.) and then I workout. I get dinner ready at lunchtime and leave instructions for hubby and he cooks for me or comes out and watches me.

:D I exercise usually between 6 and 7 PM after supper. I find exercise in the evening relaxes me from the work day and boy do I sleep good! There is no way I could get up any earlier than my 6:30 AM. I am not an early bird!:eek:
I have always been a PM exerciser as well. I come straight home from work and start at 5:30 or 6. It really helps to relieve the stress from the day. I have tried the morning thing and it lasted one day. Even on the weekends I find I will workout at about 5pm. My body just does not want to be that active in the morning.
I am a definite PM exerciser. I have made several attempts over the last 15 years to switch to AM and absolutely cannot do it! I am not coordinated, fall off my step, forget to tie my get the idea! I exercise the minute I get home from work be that 5:00, 7:00 or whenever. That's the first thing I do and then go fix dinner. If I am fixing something that needs to bake, I pop it in the oven so it will be done when I'm finished, or my husband makes dinner while I work out. On the weekends, however, I am able to workout in the AM after I've had some breakfast and it's closer to noon!:) :)

I wish I could make the switch, but my body likes the evening time...
I'm a PM'er also, but not as late as some of the other posts. I generally work out as soon as my 18-month old daughter takes her nap, usually around 2 pm. I get my 5 year old settled in with a snack, drink and something to do/watch and off I go. I work part time and on the days I work, I'll work out later if DH is agreeable, but I try to use those as rest days. Years ago, before kids and when I had more energy, I was a regular evening exerciser and I always really enjoyed it.

I've made several attempts to work out early morning and for whatever reason, it's never worked. First of all, I am not a morning person, and while I don't mind doing weight work early, I absolutely cannot jump around and do any sort of aerobics. It makes me want to puke! Also, it's inevitable that the earlier I get up, the earlier my kids seem to wake up, too...must be kiddie radar! Whenever I mention to my husband that I'm thinking of getting up with him (5 am) to do Cathe, he just laughs...he knows it'll never happen!
>Also, it's inevitable
>that the earlier I get up, the earlier my kids seem to wake
>up, too...must be kiddie radar! >

That is SO TRUE!!! If I get up at 6:00, the kids will wake up right in the middle of it! If I sleep in - so do they. If I got up at 4:00, I'm sure they'd sleep, but I'm with several of you in that I can't face a cardio that early. For one, I would fall off my step, and two - I'm always afraid the noise would wake my 2yo up! I can face the FIRM or weights that early but never Cathe. In fact, the last time I tried an early Cathe was in 1998, and I STILL remember it!!!EEK!
For as long as I've been working out, I've always naturally been an evening exerciser. I will go through short phases every now and again where I love getting up early to run or workout, and it always feels fantastic, but it never takes long before I go back to my evenings. My biggest motivation to workout at night used to be a lot of "jumpiness" and discomfort in my muscles after an entire day of sitting. The weird thing, though, is that in the last 2 months I have given up caffeine, and that jumpiness (I'm sure I'm not explaining this right :-( ) has gone away, so evenings have been slightly less appealing. Right now I'm on a morning kick (like 8 or 9 am) but I think it's a spring thing more than anything else :)

THank you so much for all the replies! I like knowing there are a few others working out in the evening "with me"!

I'm lucky I can drag my carcass out of bed in the morning (I'm NOT a morning person!) so I've always been an evening exerciser. Jan-May I sometimes don't start my workout until 8pm but the rest of the year I try to start around 6 or so. It would be nice to be able to do an a.m. workout but the body says "NO WAY!!!"

Sara, I definitely know that "Jumpy leg" thing, I take that as my cue that I HAVE to exercise today, my body is telling me to (whether it is true or not!) it makes it go away, and tricks me psychologically into doing something!
I have (well, half-a**ed) tried to get up early and exercise, and I have only managed it only a few times in the past month (one, on my birthday where I got up and exercised at 9am) and one at 10am once...and one day a while back I mustered up a 6am workout, yowza!

Morning workouts seem so great, I just can't can't do it! I never get up before 10am usually, so it would be a huge lifestyle switch (I go to bed very late, usually 1am or so) ...
Generally my favorite is afternoon exercise-it leaves me time to do stuff in the evening, yet not have to get up so early to do it!

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