Are all of us who are dedicated to fitness OCD?

Remarks like those of your co-worker are part of the liberal conspiracy to bring everyone down to their lower level. If you think I'm kidding, believe me: I'm not. Listen to what two very intelligent people said:

"Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." Mark Twain

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." Albert Einstein

I support and encourage personal responsibility and am proud of it. People like your co-worker would have you believe that, instead of exercising personal responsibility for your health and appearance, you are OCD. Give her a swift kick in the pants.
Yeah, it's kind of like using "liberal" as a dirty word and a catch-phrase for whatever people think is wrong with the world.
>I think that everyone is OCD about something in their lives.
>How nice for us that it is something that makes us feel
>better, act better and use our time better. Pat yourself on
>the back and treat yourself to a new DVD.

AMEN Cheryl!!! I'm very proud to be OCD about my health! There are alot worse things it could be. :) I believe your coworker is just jealous. :p
OCD is an anxiety disorder in which the patient MUST perform certain rituals or they become consumed with anxiety and fear

its not the dedication to the ritual that makes the affliction, its the palliative effect of the ritual on anxiety

that being said, i would venture to say that quite a few people who are "dedicated" to fitness have CAUSED it to become OCD-like in its aspect when they were not previously OCD

ask yourself this:

you are on a rotation and you are scheduled to do "Boot Camp" today, something comes up and you are booked all day and dont get around to it and you know in advance you won't have time to workout tomorrow--how do you react to this?

if it makes you anxious, worried, makes you punish yourself by not eating, throws you completely off kilter--then i think your "dedication" has gone awry.
Okay, I admit it. I definitley have OCD when it comes to my workouts and my routine. I am of aware of it and I try to balance myself out everyday. It is just a constant struggle for me, but as long as I am aware of it, I keep it in check. I think a lot of us are on this forum. I agree with Dana that what starts out as a healthy dedication many times turns into something that is obsessive. I think if we are aware of it and catch ourselves obsessing that we can keep it somewhat in check. I tell ya checking in with my cheetahs has really helped me to be put things in perspective when I am overdoing it. Just having someone say to me "take a rest day" or "don't you think you are doing too much", really helps me. Interesting thread.

If you were OCD about the whole thing, then you wouldn't have time or the mental concentration to be at work! You'd be working out or so mentally fixated on working out that you wouldn't be able to concentrate on your work!

Congratulations about your "dedication"!!!!

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