

Have you heard about this?

I'm sorry, but I am fuming! It's a sad day when the protection of a short man who sexually assaults children is put above the protection of children.

BTW, I am the mother of a boy 11 yo who is tremendously shorter and otherwise smaller than the average 11 yo boy due to biological/genetic growth deficiencies and he is on growth hormone. Still, he will always be short and small and rest assured if he did something worthy of a prison term, I'd expect him to serve it.

I'm one who has spent her adult live advocating for and assisting abused children, and I AM ANGRY.

Thanks for listening.

EDITS: Forgot to post link at first...have edited it in.
I'm sorry to say this kind of thing is nothing new. I think judges are the most frightening people on earth. Most of them are bleeding heart liberals who tend to give the benefit of a doubt to the offender. They would have us believe that the criminals are just poor, sick people who have been disadvantaged all their lives and therefore deserve light sentences. Judges wield a lot of power, many of whom cannot be removed from the bench. We should all be ashamed of ourselves for electing such scum to the bench.

ETA that we just recently had a case here in Ohio where a judge sentenced a guy to probation or house arrest..something like that...for sexually molesting 2 boys over a period of YEARS! You may remember it. It's been all over the news.

Boy am I aware of what you're saying regarding judges.

I spent much time in court assuring that the abusive person responsible for what happened to my youngest DS as an infant got 20 years in prison with no chance of parole...that BTW, was his biological mother. I was also employed within the legal system for some time.

I was also enraged by the case you mentioned and countless others.

I wonder if this judge measured the height and weight of this sex offender against that of the 12 year girl he molested before deciding who should be protected?
Melody-I was to outraged over this. It made me sick to think a person who abuses children is allowed this treatment because he is small. The world is filled with so many sick people and the ones who abuse children to me are at the top of my list. I live in the State of Texas and feel if you are found guilty of assult of a child you get the express lane to the lethal injection seat. I know that sounds harsh, but there is no excuse in the world to ever assult a child. I am overly sick with our justice system for not doing more to punish these people.
I heard this yesterday and wanted to vomit, especially when the judge said something to the effect of she was placing her trust in him and she was hoping he didn't let her down. Yo, it's not about YOU dopey, it's about the next kid he violates.

Child molesters don't change on their own. The sex drive is too strong in humans. Telling them to stop having sexual thoughts about children is like telling a straight man that he immediately has to stop fancying women!

Thanks for posting this Melody. People need to know what these judges are doing.


ETA: WTH is wrong with me that I can't spell these days?!

Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
Okay - so let me get this straight. He's protected against the monsters in prison who might hurt him yet she wasn't protected by the monster who he is? Let him go and try to defend himself against them just like she tried to do against him. Sick, sick, sick.

Melody, you sound like an angel for what you've done and what you continue to do. I've always thought so. And your boys are so beautiful!!! They look very happy with you!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
So I guess this means if you are a short person, you can break the law all you want and be protected. W..T..F........!!!!!?????? }(
That is truly evil. I could have sworn that 'Lady Justice' wore a blindfold and was not swayed by physical appearance, the balance is most certainly off kilter. And what of the difficulties of survival faced by the victim for the next 10 years and beyond?...:( Makes my heart cold that something as hideous and calculated as abusing a child could be dismissed for something as trivial as the heinous perpetrators height.......

Take Care
First of all my son was 24 pounds for several years. I really wanted him to be taller his Dad is 6"1. Then when he was in highscool in a few months he gained large amounts of height. We were at the store every other day, seriosly. Now as far as the offender I think he should be put in prison despite his height and kept there a long time just like any other person. I hope he gets what he deserves for preying on young children because they are smaller than he is. I really hope he pays for what he did!!
Diane Sue
>Most of them are bleeding heart liberals

Honestly, were it not for bleeding heart liberals who ended the silence of abuse and made it an issue, this guy probably wouldn't even be charged with a crime.

Our problem is not bleeding heart liberal judges, but a corrupt justice system that does not fully serve its people. I was outraged to hear this story, but there are many times criminals are set free when they shouldn't be. In cases where both liberal and conservative judges preside. It isn't unusual. But it is heartbreaking. :-(
"Most of them are bleeding heart liberals....." -mf545

While I have to agree with your feelings of outrage, as a "bleeding heart liberal" myself, I have to take offense with your post as well. The problem does not lie with the liberals any more than the martians.... The
problem is with people who lack any kind of COMMON SENSE or compassion and want to stir up a little publicity for themselves however they can. I think we can all agree that both sides of the debate, whether it is the "bleeding heart liberals" or the "crazy conservatives", are chock full of people who fall into that category.

I saw this on Nancy Grace tonight and was appalled...I have seen so many screwed up Judges and thier verdicts in this United States that I just want to puke! I could be considered one of the Crazy Conservatives. I might even agree with Michele.....:)...but I would just want to see a Judge that at least had some brains...I will pray for any children out there near this short dispicable man that that woman let go...[/img]

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