Anyone workout to manage their moods?

Yes, it helps me tremendously in helping regulate my stress and mood. I remember years ago when I heard my Grandmother was in a Coma. I went straight home from work and did a really streneous workout. It helped me release my emotions.
Oh Yeah Baby - I'm a happy camper when I exercise, if I can only remember that when i don't feel like exercising I'd be good to go!

Exercise helped me get through some really tough personal problems 5 years ago. I had a lot of anger over the situation that I was in, and exercise was the only thing that helped. These days I am in a career that I have come to basically hate, and the only thing that I look forward to every work day is exercising before I go to the office (and, of course, coming home afterwards!). I find that if I don't work out, I'm crabby at work. And if work threatens to interfere with my exercise--watch out!

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