Hi! I was wondering if any of you ladies out there have celiac disease. I don't think I have it, but here's the deal. I was having a lot of stomach trouble about 2 years ago, and they did a blood test and found that I carry the celiac antibody (I'm not sure if this is the correct term). The thing is, they did an intestinal biopsy, and it came back fine. So, while I don't currently have the disease, my doctors (and there are a lot of them) think that I will begin to show symptoms at some point in the future. Lately, my stomach has been giving me trouble again, but not your typical celiac symptoms. I was wondering if anyone had out-of-the-ordinary symptoms on their road to diagnosis. Hope this makes sense. I dread going back to the team of doctors for the barrage of tests only to find nothing again! Not to mention all those medical forms and insurance paperwork . . .