Anyone with an iMac and Mac OS X Version 10.5.8 Have Workout Blender Working?


Does anyone with an iMac and Mac OS X Version 10.5.8 Have Workout Blender Working with the latest update?

Informal Poll: Please reply Yeah or Neah.
Nope, can't get mine to work. I believe the software developers want us to wait for the next version of WB, in order to fix the problem.
I have OS X 10.6.6 and have noticed when working in the blender that my arrows disappear (the ones where you select Cathe's videos). However, if I quit and reopen, my mosh is still there, the arrows are back, and I can continue working on it without having lost anything.
I guess you're able to use the Blender at all because you're on Snow Leopard. I can't upgrade for numerous reasons. So I guess I'll just have to wait for the next version of WB, when TPTB say the prob should be fixed. Hope it's soon!
Curt, I would love to say I tried that method that you actually replied to me about (see earlier post on this thread), but I'm chicken. I really don't want to dig into the guts of my quite-beloved iMac and mess around with things. It just seems like something way over my head, much as I pride myself on being a bit of a techie. When is the next version of WB being released? Because I think I'll have to wait for that, for the fix. Please let us know!

All the Best,


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