Anyone watch P.S. I LOVE YOU

I thought 27 Dresses was enjoyable too. Saw it with my 3 teen daughters, the movie was good and succeeded in keeping the 'cute' factor under the so-cute-it's-nauseating threshold. :)

Having live through something similar to the plot line of P.S. I Love You, I'm pretty sure I'd be reduced to the fetal position surrounded by countless crumpled tissues so, despite recommedations from many friends and clients, I'm gonna pass;-) :)

I was surprised that I recently enjoyed Enchanted. Good Disney, very 'tongue in cheek' and the same good looking fellow who played the reporter in 27 Dresses.

Take Care
I didn't see the movie, but I read the book when it first came out. A beautiful story!!! Laurie, sorry about your having to live through that.

I watched this over the weekend, I LOOOOVED it... Talk about having the tissues ready, I can see this one becoming one of my favorites.

I also saw "27 Dresses" last weekend, that was cute as well.

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"


the same good looking fellow who played the reporter in 27 Dresses.

That would be James Marsden, who is officially my new celeb crush now. Not only is he talented (take a look at his IMDB profile sometime, and you'll see the sheer diversity of his roles--you'd be surprised by how different these characters are!), but he is a totally devoted husband and father in real life, which just makes him more attractive than he is already (hard to believe, but true :)).

Hopefully he'll remain grounded as his career starts to take off (after 15 years in Hollywood LOL).

Btw, he's also in Hairspray--he plays Corny Collins.
I seen both PS I Love You and 27 Dresses. Loved them both. I didn't think PS I Love You was all that sad. I usually cry when movies are emotional but I didn't feel this one was all that emotional. I thought it was good, though. Love Hiliary Swank!
Thanks Deanie, not trying to be Debbie Downer :) It's getting so long ago and life is so sweet, most of the time it's like it happened in another lifetime. :)

Take Care

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