Anyone watch "Average Joe?"

RE: Anyone watch

Something is telling me she's going to pick Brian W. but who knows?? I honestly thought she would pick the flight boy but she dumped him last night. I was happy because his personality really sucked and he didn't strike me as bright either. Brian W. is somewhat sexy because he's very witty and has brains. His looks are pretty average but no better than the pretty boy she dumped last night. Poor Fredo though! I wish Michael C. from last week kept his mouth shut. I liked him.
RE: Anyone watch

I missed it the end last night and I don't remember anyones name.She didn't dump the guy that she went on the date with?(to the beach where fredo saw them)I don't know if I like fredo b/c the very first show where they met each other when he entered the house,he said,"what a piece of a$$" I didn't think it was very nice and I sort of drew my conclusion from there.
Did the guy who blew up the boat get kicked off yet? The same guy who had an arguement with one of the hotter guys.(tall,dark hair)Sorry I don't know names,it would be much easier if I did:)
RE: Anyone watch

Also, what do you think her big secret is?

My only guess is that she's had plastic surgery. I absolutely couldn't tell by looking at her, but it would sort of make sense and fit in with the whole "appearance" theme of the show. Any other ideas?
RE: Anyone watch

I think she has a child - wouldn't THAT be a twist?

I think she's going for the blond guy - Gil? If you watched the teaser for next week's show, she's in tears and looking real sad when she's in the airplane hangar. She's certainly not going to cry over dumping GIL - Brian gets the boot is my guess.

I think Brian is OK but that accent... I almost died laughing when he said "I have a bawx around my haht." I might have to get a T-shirt with that on it!;-)
RE: Anyone watch

The twist that she has a child is a great thought. From the three, Gil, Brian and the "flight instructor/waiter", I thought she was going to pick the "flight intructor" until she went to his home town. Do remember when she asked him where he flys and he responded with, "Oh, all over the place." Pleeeease!!! I believe he makes his living waiting tables only, and he's a sweet talker that flashes those big blue eyes and smile (Oh, and his chest). He just doesn't appear as though he is at a point in his life where he can commit to one person.
It seems Fredo has a good heart and I think he truly will make some young lady very happy, just not Larissa.

Good observation about next weeks teaser. Makes complete sense.
I think she'll choose Gill too(the blond.) But I think Brian (the one with the accent)would be a good choice too because he just head over heals for her and if they were to grow old together, I think he would still adore her.

But, out of all these guys, no one seemed to be perfect for her. It's almost like she needs someone in the middle, instead of Average Joe or Totally Hot Joe, I think a "An above Average Joe" would work well.
RE: Anyone watch

BTW, my husband thinks the twist is that Larissa's been married before - that's possible too.

I agree that none of the guys seems right for her. Of the two left, she has zero physical chemistry with Brian - geez, they didn't even hold hands until the end of their date and she gives him a few closed-mouth kisses/pecks. She and Gil have the physical attraction but don't seem to warm up to each other in other ways.

I remember reading after the first "Joe Millionaire" that the dopey Joe in that show made a comment to some reporter that the woman he chose wasn't his ideal but was the best of the bunch - his remark was something like "you have to work with what you're given." I think the same is true for this show - Gil or Brian might be the best of the bunch but neither is going to be the love of L's life.
RE: Anyone watch

>I remember reading after the first "Joe Millionaire" that the
>dopey Joe in that show made a comment to some reporter that
>the woman he chose wasn't his ideal but was the best of the
>bunch - his remark was something like "you have to work with
>what you're given." I think the same is true for this show -
>Gil or Brian might be the best of the bunch but neither is
>going to be the love of L's life.

I agree, they're being forced to choose the love of their lives from a group of hand picked people. It just doesn't work that way...well most of the time. :)
RE: Anyone watch

I just remembered that Larrissa told one of the guys (don't remember who) that she wanted kids in 4-5 years and to be financially ready.
So, maybe her having children already is not the twist.
Your quote from Brian is funny!
RE: Anyone watch

Jim (the flight instructor/waiter) lost when he couldnt name a book that he's read and when she saw the blow up doll and sheetless bed in his messy house. I dont think that she's going to end up with anyone since she seems to be focusing on what they lack instead of what they have which she showed when she described them as characters from the Wizard of Oz. I think that she's going to choose Brian because Gil is too reserved for her but it doesnt look like she has any feelings beyond friendship for him.
RE: Anyone watch

Hmmmm...maybe she gave up a kid for adoption? My husband's idea that she's been married before is looking better and better...
RE: Anyone watch

The season finale is tonight!!!
I'm surprised they didn't make it a three hour long episode!
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>I want my 10 Monday nights back!

Well if that wasn't the stupidist ending to the show. I am still shakin' my head.
RE: Anyone watch

>I didn't get it. What's the big deal about Fabio?

Well thank you Gina. I thought it was just me that didn't get it. What a jerk. Not that he did anything for me anyway so his personality matched.
RE: Anyone watch

Oh man, I'm officially done with "reality " shows. (Although I've been watching Survivor All-Stars and I just CAN'T stop now!!:p )
I didn't get the Fabio thing either untill my friend asked how can you compete with Fabio??? He's Mr. Romance, he's got fame, fortune, hollywood connections and a bunch more. Gill works in construction. Could you imagine Gill saying, "Hey babe, wanna go for a ride in my Camaro, then go for a romantic italian dinner at Olive Garden? Then we'll go back to my apartment and order the Tyson fight on Pay-Per-View?" (Although, I do remember Larissa saying she's been out with a few hot guys, but NOT as HOT as these guys. That leads me to believe Fabio may have fallen behind on his fitness routine - just a hunch. Maybe he needs some Cathe DVD's!!! )
And remember when Larissa told one of the guys this TV part "just fell into her lap and she wasn't doing it for publicity, she truly wanted to meet the man of her dreams?." Okee-Dokee!!! The whole thing - just - can't sum it up - well - wait- yeah, Ive been suckered in by a reality show, AGAIN!!! x(
Oh well, live and learn.

P.S.Don't forget to tune into Survivor on Thursday! :eek:
RE: Anyone watch

This finale stank of "fake" to me. A kicking stomping howling trantum over finding out she dated Fabio? Seriously? Did his response seem in any way plausible or is there some Fabio Urban Legend I don't know about. I mean, honestly. He said he wanted to be an actor. I guess we can all see why he's not. What a rip-off.

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