Anyone using Music-Off option?


I previewed the first dvd and think I'm going to use the Music-Off option mainly because a lot of the moves are not on beat with the music (as I'd hoped like in Power Hour -- love how that's choreographed just perfectly with the music).

Anyway, I'm just wondering if anyone else has using their own music. I know my own music won't be on beat either, but at least it will be my favorite stuff -- (I may even use my Cathe cd :)).

I was going to start STS yesterday, but got sick -- grrr!
Thanks for mentioning this - I hadn't even noticed that option. I will definitely use it. The music is a bit of a problem in places.
I use the music-off option when I am exercising very early, often at 3 in the morning, and don't want to wake the kids (ages 1 and 4). If I am exercising at a "regular time", then I use the music.
Wow! 3:00 in the morning IS early. I get up sometimes in the 5:00 range, but never that early.

I'll probably try it both ways -- hopefully it's only a few times that the music is off. I have read reviews that it's in some other dvds too though. Maybe I'll be too focused on what I'm doing to get in those last reps to notice. :)
I thought the music for the first three discs in mesocyle 1 was right on cue with those doing the workouts in the video. The problem I am having, is that by rep 9 or 10, I start to slow down and am no longer working out to the beat. When I did p90x, I would mute Tony and listen to my Ipod because I got so tired of hearing the same conversation over and over. I would never mute Cathe as she is full of so many helpful hints. Also, the nice thing about this program, is I won't do the same workout for at least 3 1/2 months.

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