Anyone tried Strike Zone yet?

I got mine y'day and intend to do a bit of it today! I think Vrinda got hers early and reviewed it for us. Do a search and you should find it! :)
thanks! I found the thread. I'm so excited to try it!
Don't you just love a brand new workout DVD?
Vrinda, myself and one other received it early. If you search on Cathe's site and Tracey's you can find our reviews. I can't wait to hear what everyone else thinks of it. I've done it twice so far and it was even better the second time because I knew what was coming so I could put my all into it. Have fun!
I just got finished doing it, and it was so much fun! :) I really liked all the combos. The only thing I didn't really like were the pauses between each combo since I felt like my heart rate dropped a bit each time. Other than that, it was a blast, and I'm going to definitely tackle it again in a few days.

What does everyone else think? :)
My husband said the same thing about the paused between the combos. He didn't like how it kept saying Strike 1 etc. But he really liked the workout and he's only done KPC with me before. For him to say he wants to to SZ again is great because it means he really enjoyed it.
I just tried a few combos and wasn't a fan. I know I'll probably end up selling this one and I also know I'll probably be like the ONLY one who doesn't care for it but oh well!:-(
Wendy, you aren't the only one...

I only previewed it and wasn't impressed enough to try it.

I thought the production values were so shabby, especially since I've been spolied by Cathe's workouts.

The lighting was horrible and it looked like the cast didn't have enough room, as if they had been shoved into one corner of the room. Is it somebody's house?

JMHO. :)

Susan L.G.
Oh darn, Susan.

When I saw you had responded to my post I was hoping you were going to offer to buy it off me! :)

Oh well. :p

Sorry you didn't care for it either. :-(
How can you turn down a workout without even trying it. What does the lighting and what type of room they are in have to do with what kind of workout you get from it. Ok, I know that the set isn't perfect and I have talked about some changes too but it gives that street feel. I'm just asking you guys to at least actually do it once or twice and then judge. I know not everyone likes every workout, just give it a go once time through. Okay!!!:)

I know myself everyone doesn't have to like everything because if someone put a Denise Austin video in my hands I would have to burn it immediately. Her personality doesn't click with me and I know others love her.

Just try it once okay, then you can give it away, burn it, trash it, whatever!!!
I did it this morning. I actually liked the set. I liked that it was filmed in the dark and I like the "no-frills" look to it. I thought the atmosphere was perfect for a kickboxing workout. I thought Tracey did a nice job and I loved having Josef there. He really motivated me to put a LOT more intensity into my workout.

I haven't gotten mine yet :( , but I'm hoping it will come tomorrow.

> The only thing I didn't really
>like were the pauses between each combo since I felt like my
>heart rate dropped a bit each time.

Could you fill that time with some jumping jacks, or punch combos, or kicks? That might make it more appealing over the long run.
>I just tried a few combos and wasn't a fan.

What did you not like about it? (It could help others who haven't bought it yet decided whether it's for them or not).
>I haven't gotten mine yet :( , but I'm hoping it will come
>> The only thing I didn't really
>>like were the pauses between each combo since I felt like my
>>heart rate dropped a bit each time.
>Could you fill that time with some jumping jacks, or punch
>combos, or kicks? That might make it more appealing over the
>long run.

Great idea, Kathryn! I did that on Friday when I did The Kettlebell Way for the second time -- I did jumping jacks or jogging during those one-minute intervals when I didn't need to catch my breath!;-) Hope yours comes soon!
>I did it this morning. I actually liked the set. I liked
>that it was filmed in the dark and I like the "no-frills" look
>to it. I thought the atmosphere was perfect for a kickboxing
>workout. I thought Tracey did a nice job and I loved having
>Josef there. He really motivated me to put a LOT more
>intensity into my workout.

I liked this aspect of it, too. Tracey had mentioned on her website that she was going for a different feel (it was originally even supposed to be filmed outside), and I liked how dark and gritty the set was. The interaction between Tracey and Josef was also great. I definitely wasn't dripping with sweat like I am after doing KPC or KM, but it was a fun workout, nonetheless!:)
>Could you fill that time with some jumping jacks, or punch
>combos, or kicks? That might make it more appealing over the
>long run.

Duh me! I didn't even think about doing that. Thanks, I think my husband and I will do that next time we do it.
>>I just tried a few combos and wasn't a fan.
>What did you not like about it? (It could help others who
>haven't bought it yet decided whether it's for them or not).

I was not a fan of the combos in the segments I tried. I also have a hard time with Tracey's timing or something. I don't know what it is about her but I don't follow her well. Perhaps it's her cueing style that I don't care for. I like the weight work outs I have of hers but that's different.

I also have High Intensity Kick Box which I got some time ago and quit on when she got to the spiderwebs and I couldn't figure out how to do them. I got too frustrated to continue with the work out. I'm going to give that work out one more try but something tells me I won't care for that one either....

Oh well. To each his own, right? :)
Well, hmmmmm, the fact that there are pauses between strikes, which I was hoping would just flow one strike after another and that you don't get as good of a cardio workout like you do in KPC is helping me stick with my decision to not purchase (plus the fact that I've traded for or bought several others and have yet to be pleased with anything since her original set). How does the intensity compare to Cardio Sweatfest Kickbox...less, more, the same? Also, Carol's response, intensity and having to have the last word and Tracey's response to a poster who dared to post a less then glowing review has kind of turned me off even more. That kind of stuff carries over into the workout for me. Anyway, SZ intrigues me, but I'm thinking not enough to take another chance. Thanks for the help! I'm glad most of you seem to be enjoying it though! I would like to know how the intensity/cardio factor of the workout compares to Cardio Sweatfest Kickbox. TIA!
I did all of Strike Zone this morning and thoroughly enjoyed it. It thought that many of the combos were unique, fun and definitely challenging. I felt that the intensity was the same as KPC and KM. Of course in any workout, you get out of it what you put into it. You can modify up or down, as I do with many workouts, depending on how i am feeling that particular day. I enjoyed Josef in the workout and I felt as though the group really worked well together. .Josef's form pointers were particularly good. In fact, he corrected some mistakes that I have been making, even though I have been doing kick boxing for a while. When I corrected those mistakes, i really noticed a difference. It shows that he is a martial arts expert! The set was different and I did not find that it distracted from the fun, enjoyment or challenge of the work out.

Initially, I was mildly bothered by the very brief interludes between strikes, but after about the fifth strike I was glad for the breather. I marched in place or did grape vines.

I normally do not watch the credit part of any workout, but the credit section was funny! It contains some bloopers and out-takes.
I definitely recommend this workout.

Regina :) :) :)
>Could you fill that time with some jumping jacks, or punch
>combos, or kicks? That might make it more appealing over the
>long run.

Great idea.

I needed the breaks to grab water (every single time on every repeat of the workout!). All I could manage, if at all was a boxer shuffle or two before the next strike began.

~* Vrinda *~

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