Anyone taking Cathe to the gym?


Hi all! I am gym goer but am so addicted to watching Cathe on FitTv. SO I bought a couple DVD's and a portable DVD player to take with me to the gym, I don't have the room nor the equipment in my apartment. I have been doing her Legs and Glutes in the aerobics room for some time now but I had it all written out on paper to the last rep. I think I have the guts to bring in the DVD player, I guess I am afraid someone will think I am weird. But I can't make the times the gym has classes and quite frankly even if I did they are in no way shape or form like Cathe and no fighting for weights and space. Does anyone else do this too? I plan to order ME/Boot Camp to do at the gym as well. I'm even going to bring along the small step topper to put on their risers.

I write it down on a training journal and do it at the gym. Usually the PS series for upper body and S&H for lower body. They are easier to take to the gym because there aren't any pulses or half way reps to recall. Plus you could lift heavier for back work in a gym setting. I love cable rows!!! I love the GRAVITRON machine.
Thanks for your suggestions! Yah I am fond of cables myself. I guess on days when my mind isn't too focused I need someone screaming at me to move, LOL
Hey Skye,
You are too cute !! I love the subject line Taking Cathe to the gym?
I read in one message where someone had their husband tape the audio of the dvd and she played it on her headset at the gym. I thought that was a GREAT idea. I have bought a recorder now I just have to record and I too can "Take Cathe to the gym"
Have a good day !
Thanks Annette! You just reminded me of the other question I had for this forum. I was wondering if there was any way to pull an mp3 or other file off the DVD's so I can tranfer to my iPod? Do you know if this is possible this way I can hear her instead of bringing the DVD. How did her husband record it. Kinda like we did when we were kids and you put the recorder up near the radio? Remember those days....and if you made a sound it was now part of the song, LOL

Thanks for your help.
I am new to these forums and I have to say everyone is so nice and supportive of eachother! I can't believe how hard people work out. All you ladies are amazing.

I have quite a few of Cathe's DVDs on an ipod, I recorded them so I can do them in between clients, yes I can make up my own workouts, but Cathe and a few other's found their way into my life when I had various physical set backs. One being my head wasn't on the spinal cord, the second was when I fractured my back in over 10 places and at least that many back ribs, and 5 fractures in the front of my ribs. Yes I had a hard time breathing thing, if your wondering. As well as being in so much pain my sitting heart rate was between 180 and 200, and it's spike to 250 or more, when I just tried to brush my hair. Though I never had to worry about the nurse ignoring me, all I had to do was raise my hand I'd have the whole floor in my room in about 2 minutes.

But anyway, go head and tape your workouts, or bring them with you, you actually pay to use the equipment. So use it. Just don't get a group going, the health clubs fron on that, mostly because they are reliable so if other join you and do things wrong they can become reliable and usually can turn the lawsuit right back onto you.

Have fun,

Sorry to hear about all your back trouble but glad you are well now. I can't imagine all the pain you went through.
My gym doesn't get really packed especially the times I go, its actually pretty dead. I wouldn't be concerned about people doing it with me, don't know anyone well enough for them to ask me. Can you please tell me how you got it onto your iPod?????? I can't figure it out!!!

Thanks Kit
The easiest way is to record the DVD audio into your computer, then convert it over to Itunes, dock your IPod (synch it with computer), it will auto load what you just recorded right into your IPod and your set to go.

I hope that helps,

Hi Kit, thanks for the info. Are you on a MAC by any chance, I don't know how to record the DVD audio??? I have a DVD player on my laptop just not sure how to record the sound. Any chance you can give me a play by play? If on a PC maybe you can let me know how to do it that was as well and somhow I can figure it out in MAC speak, LOL. Thanks again....I don't want to be a pest.


Great idea - taking Cathe to the gym. I'd also like to know how to record the audio from the Dvd onto the computer.

What a great idea! I say "Go for it"! And the Ipod suggestion is a good one, too! You all are so creative! If anyone questions you....just tell them it's your very own personal trainer!! :)

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