Anyone take Ambien?

4) If you take a calcium or calcium/magnesium supplement, take it later on in the day (maybe about an hour before bed--giving yourself enough time to let it travel on its way and not cause stomach upset if you lie down too soon after you take it).

I accidently stumbled onto this solution, the sleep has been heaven! I take it right before I go to bed. I wake up many times during the night (I hear the dog moving around) and think I'm not going to get back to sleep but yet I do. I stopped taking it a couple of nights and those nights were awful. Just ask DH he can testify to how grumpy I was from lack of sleep!
I've been taking Ambien for probably 6-7 years now. I once had a pharmacy give me the wrong prescription by mistake, and I thought I just had grown tolerant of it. I was sleepless 10 of those 14 nights. Otherwise, it has worked probably 363 out of 365 nights per year. I do think I eat more with Ambien - I think if I were able to get off of it, I'd lose weight. You have to just commit to not eat after taking it.

Lisa, I'm going to try the calcium/magnesium before bed and see what happens.
Hey, Ben! I see you live in Minnesota. So do I. There's a few of us Minnesotians around here.
Colleen, let me know how it works for you, give it a few nights. I confirmed with a nutritionist that it wasn't my imagination, she said it's because calcium soothes the nervous system and muscle tissue so helps you relax. I wonder if the magnesium helps me quite a bit too because I know I have a sensitivity to magnesium sulfate because during delivery of my second child they gave it to me to bring down my BP. It brought it down all right, all the way down to somewhere around 70/40 or so. Gave them and my DH a scare!

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