Anyone starting p90 x tomorrow??

I overslept this morning so only got in AbRipperX. I have a ways to go with that tape. Plan on doing Legs & Back when I get home from work today.

Wendy- I liked the second half of the yoga tape, balance poses and stretches. What I am thinking of doing is subbing a shorter yoga tape for the first part and then do the second half of the YogaX tape, that way my wrists are not getting all that pressure on them.

I have enjoyed reading everybodys posts. I am starting the classic rotation on Sunday, August 1st. I am looking forward to starting the rotation but I will miss my Cathe workouts. I am sure I will be adding in some of them along the way. I usually start a new rotation every month so 90 days sounds like a very long time for me. Gosh, I hope I can stick with it for that long.

Hi everyone,
Did Kenpo on Saturday and I liked the workout. The counting kinda got to me but I was working hard and made it through. It is a tough workout.

Finished Legs/Back on Friday and I liked that to. Have to get used to the pull ups but I am feeling sore in places that haven't felt sore in a such a long time I forgot I had muscles in some spots : )

This program is a killer.

HI everyone,
I did Kenpo for the first time on Friday and I liked, I felt it was a good workout.
Saturday I did some of the stretching.
Sunday, back to work with chest and back- I find this really hard, I guess with all the pull ups.
This Am I did plyo X- this is overall a pretty fun workout.

I agree Rhonda, this program is a killer! I hope I can keep up the enery and motivation!
Hope everyone had a good weekend.

I was going to start last week. Changed mind and started yesterday, August 1. I started with Shoulder and Arm and Ripper X yesterday. I loved it. Today, I did Plyometrics This was an incredible workout. I made through the first half without much problem but almost fainted toward to the end. I did Cardio X before and found the Plyo much more fun. I will be doing Core Syng. Tomorrow. I am changing the orders little bit here.

As far as diet goes, I have increased protein and reduced carbs. This morning, after the Shoulder and Arm yesterday, I already felt firm and tight on my upper body. I cannot wait for the Legs and Back day.

Good morning everyone,

I did Core Syng. today. Although this work out is definitely not easy, I did not feel burn. I had some modification toward to the end. Overall, it is good work out but I think I can get by without it. It did not have the feeling of accomplishment as other ones did. Maybe I need to give it try more. Tomorrow is Legs and Arm.

Hi everyone,
I did shoulders and arms today. Good workout. I did the bonus section today as well. I am doing legs and back tomarrow along with ab ripper due to my work schedule.
I am trying to cut my carbs and increase my protein. I am adding protein powder to milk after dinner also.
I think the phase II diet will be much easier.
Hi everyone,
Instead of Cardio X I did a spinning workout. I felt it was more of a workout and I needed that.

Good morning everyone,

I did Kenpo this morning. Although I sweated a lot, my heart was not up there like I experienced with KPC. I got through to end without much problem vs. with KPC, I am lucky if I made through the combination 2. I may have to change it to KPC next time.

Question to everyone.
I am following the lean rotation and feeling it does not have enough cardio. I am also gaining weight. I think I need to add more cardio to this rotation. Those who follows lean, have you added more cardio? If so, how often?

Thank you so much in advance for your input.

:) :)


Consistency is the key, not perfection!
hi everyone,
I did legs and back today and I have to say it is one of my favorites (except for all the pull ups which I am still doing with a chair and I have not improved since last week).
Tomarrow I am going to do yoga X which is a nice change of pace from lifting.

Babybird, I am doing the classic rotation rather than the lean. I decided to do this one instead of the lean since it seemed more intense and I read that this is what they did the test group with. I don't have the rotation in front of me, but sub the plyo rather than cardio x.
I have put my faith in the rotation rather than trying to sub a lot ( which I don't think is a problem either if you get bored or just want to do another workout). I think the diet is a very important part of this series and I am having a hard time getting the right ratios, but I have cleaned things up a bit compared to what I was eating before.
I actually really like kenpo, but I was not wearing my heart rate monitor, but I was breathing hard and sweating.
Hi Wendy,

How do you like p90? I've seen it on tv, but never really thought much about doing it.....guess I"m afraid to waste my money. Let me know what you think!!

Marlena :)
Actually, I have to restate about the Kenpo. This morning, I am sore all over my body. It tells me Kenpo did the job. I never felt like this with KPC the next day.

I did Legs and back this morning. Another good work out. Tomorrow is Yoga. Hope I can stick to the end because an hour and half seems excessively looooong for me.:eek:

I think I am doing well with the diet although need to up more protein and vegetables.

Happy sweating everyone!!

Yes, i like p90x, it is hands down the best strength training video i ever used (and i have ALOT, probably 80+ videos). I can easily see this being my primary strength training for a long time. The cardio is so-so. I really like plyox, but cardio x wasn't for me.

I have been sort of subbing most of this weeks rotation. On sunday i took at 20 mile bike ride. Monday was CST, tuesday was legs and back. This was my first time doing this dvd and WOW! THe DOMS is still deep in my glutes. I have never had doms like this before.
Wednesday did cathe's KPC instead of kenpro. thought it would work out the glute doms, but didn't do the trick.
Today i was bad. Worked all day and took the kids back to school shopping this evening instead of working out.

on the other hand, got some cute pants in Aeropostale on sale }( :eek:
Hi Wendy,

Good to hear from you again.
You just reminded me that I need to get that school supplies ready for my kid although I cannot help noticing that we are wasting lots money and supplies buying them just because it was in the teacher’s list. I was thinking we may reuse some of leftovers from prior years. I am running out of spaces for all these used or almost new supplies.

Let’s get back to P90X.
My first week is over and I felt great. I loved every workout in this week including the YogaX. This surprised me since I never could stick to other Yoga more than 20 minutes. I was little shaky at the balance parts. I was falling all over the floor and would be very impressed if someone can actually make it to end without falling or modifications.
Have a nice weekend everyone!

Consistency is the key, not perfection.
Hey everyone! I just got P90X and did Core Synergistics last night. I LOVED it! I've been doing a lot of Pilates so this workout was awesome and I didn't have trouble with any of the moves. I noticed the Snake and the Teaser from my Pilates workouts were in this workout. I really loved it and felt really strong afterwards.

I'm trying Plyo X tonight!!
Welcome Dani,

I am assuming you are following the Lean rotation as I am. You will love the rest of workouts. So far, my favorite and seen most changes in my body is Shouler and Arm. I lost 1 inch of my middle the very next day.
Come back and let us know how you are doing.:) :)

Consistency is the key, not the perfection.
>Welcome Dani,
>I am assuming you are following the Lean rotation as I am.
>You will love the rest of workouts. So far, my favorite and
>seen most changes in my body is Shouler and Arm. I lost 1
>inch of my middle the very next day.
>Come back and let us know how you are doing.:) :)

Thanks!! Yes, I'm following the Lean. Wow! You lost an inch from your middle from Shoulder and Arms? I can't wait to try this one now!! :)

I am going to sub in harder cardio for Cardio X because I don't want to lose any cardio endurance. I'm also going to sub in Kick Punch & Crunch for the Kenpo X.

I used Plyo instead of CardioX. You will not loose your cardio endurance with this one. I was going to sub the Kenpo to KPC too but decided to give it try. I was surprised how sore I was next day. I am leaving the Kenpo in my rotation for a while but KPC is definitely in the future.

Have a nice weekend! :)
>I used Plyo instead of CardioX. You will not loose your
>cardio endurance with this one. I was going to sub the Kenpo
>to KPC too but decided to give it try. I was surprised how
>sore I was next day. I am leaving the Kenpo in my rotation
>for a while but KPC is definitely in the future.
>Have a nice weekend! :)
Thanks babybird for the info. I'll give Plyo X a try tonight. Can't wait!! I will also give Kenpo a try this weekend.

HI everyone,

Hope to hear from everyone and how your doing with the p90x.
I had DOMS almost 4 days now from Legs and back LOL. Deep in the glutes. I have been subbing KPC for kenpo most of the time and added in another day of cardio. Mostly because i love spinning so much, and i actually count it as another leg workout.

I did CST and Bicep/back this week. To be honest i like Shoulders and arms better. I just love that workout!! It always leaves my arms feeling so strong. I am really seeing some shoulder definition with this one.

Overall, i think p90x is bringing my strength level to a whole other level. I am using 15-20 for biceps where i used to use 12's when i did Cathe's (of course, those are mostly endurance vids).

How's everyone else doing?


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