Anyone know of any Canadian websites that sell



things like steps, aerobic clothing, etc? I am always interested finding ways not to pay exchange and duty. Hey, weren't we supposed to benefit from free trade all those years ago. Guess not. I mean I can deal with the ugly exchange, but the duty? What is that all about.

Kim (a venting Canadian this a.m.)

Canadian Shipping

I think I can help you understand this a little better. UPS has been sending consultants to our company over the last few months to help us prepare for the rapid growth we expect in our business this year.
Last week, UPS sent their international expert in to help us reduce our costs in shipping packages to other countries. Most of the time was spent talking about Canada because Canada is the most difficult country to ship to.
As a Canadian customer receiving packages from the USA you are responsible for your national sales tax (7%), brokerage fee ($4.50 minimum) and an import duty. Now if the product was made in the USA and is not on the restrictive list, it will be import duty free as long as the company fills out a NAFTA form. We are now doing this on all Canadian shipments. This means that you will now only be responsible for sales tax and brokerage fees. You can avoid brokerage fees by having your package shipped by overnight since this includes brokerage fees.
UPS is in the process of helping our company become a licensed Canadian importer. This will mean that you will no longer be responsible for fees, taxes or duties. You will also no longer get a phone call from the brokerage service. Once this happens we will have to raise our Canadian shipping costs, but since you will no longer have to pay the taxes and fees - your savings will be substantial!– Now if we could only do something about the exchange rate!
You can also order our product from CK Sales in Canada. They sell most of our products and you will not have to worry about import fees or the exchange rate.
Hi Kim!

in regards to a canadian seller, ck sales has been excellent. i have now completed purchasing all of cathe's videos through ck sales and the cost was reasonable as well as was the shipping. they also sell other videos, such as cia's, karen voight, and so forth! they have a web site (you will find it in cathe's web site under where to buy products, and they also have a toll free #: 1 877 438 3480. best of luck!
Thanks guys but...

Thanks SNM for that info and thanks for taking steps to make it better. I wonder why Canada is so hard to trade with given the fact that we really are very much alike in so many ways and we are next door neighbours so to speak. Many Canadians do not want to lose our "Canadian identity" and I can understand that but I believe trade with the US and Canada should be more relaxed than with other countries on another continent for goodness sake. There is probably a lot more going on than I am aware of here but as a consumer, I am just seeing the little picture I suppose.

CK Sales is excellent to deal with and they are my primary video source for Cathe and a quite a few others. Thank God for CK Sales and thank God that SNM videos deals with them.

Until our Candian dollar sees some better days, I realize there is nothing to be done about the exchange except that I simply refuse to pay it now. It is just too onerous. I mean we are talking just 40 cents on the dollar. It is absurd. I would recommend that US citizens come to Canada for a holiday - you make 40 cents on the dollar - you can't lose.

However, I was just wondering if anyone knew of any other web sites that sell fitness apparell or equipment in Canadian prices.

Thanks again for the information and giving me an opportunity to vent.

Canadian equipment/ apparel

I've had much success with the running room.
Their web site is...

I have purchased a polar heart rate monitor as well as fitness shorts, bras etc... Love their products and their prices are pretty good.

Hope this helps!

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