Anyone know of a low sugar protein bar that

becky v

doesn't taste like crud? Power Bars make me gag and the other protein bars that I've tried might taste good, but have loads of sugar. Suggestions?
I'm always on the hunt for low sugar protein bars. CarbRite is one brand that's lower in sugar and recognizable ingredients and decent carb/protein/fat rations. Hard to find, though. I found them by accident at a discount vitamin/supplement store. I don't really eat many protein bars, though because of all of the crappy ingredients (some are just like candy bars, except for a little extra protein!)but I do keep some of the aforementioned in my car for emergencies.

Just don't get "GO LEAN" which should read "GO BIG" as it has 35g of sugar! WHEW WEE!! I got a Balance Bar, but there are different kinds so make sure you read the labels. One I got had 13g of sugar and the other I got had 1g of sugar (though that label on front said "Low Carb")

I like Zone Perfect bars. I'm doing Body for Life and found these are pretty similar to their bars (about 16g protein, 21g carbs and 12g sugar), but not as expensive.
I love the Apex bars. You can buy them at 24 Hour fitness if you have one near you. Only bad thing is they make you faurt! Big time! I think it is the fake sugar. My hubby calls them they fart bars. Any time I have gas he always says "honey, pls tell me ya' didn't eat one of those fart bars!?" They are yummy and as long as you're around no one in private that day you'll be okay! ha ha ha ha :+ :+ :+ :+

Most of the time I eat the following
-Apex Fit Bars (made w/soy so they're lower in sugar and don't make ya' fart)
-Apex low sugar cappucinno
-EAS Myoplex Lite (buy from www.
Another vote for Zone Perfect Bars ($1.15-1.59 each) and 13-16g of sugar, depending on the flavor you choose. They taste great. The Chocolate Peanut Butter and Chocolate Almond Biscotti flavors are my favorite. They also keep me from devouring other food for at least 4 hours (zero cravings!).

I recently found U-Turn bars - they contain whey protein?? but only 13g sugar and 150 cals (way better than most!) And they taste pretty darn good. I usually have just 1/3 to 1/2 bar before I work out. Works for me!

I LOVE my Luna Toasted Nuts 'n Cranberry bars which have 9 grams of sugar and 3 grams of dietary fiber. I also like that only 20% of the calories are from fat. I haven't found anything that can beat those numbers.

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