Anyone in Ohio area remember Paige Palmer?


Or if you're not old enough, maybe you've heard of her...She used to have a tv show years ago and I can remember my mom exercising to her when I was real little. I remember doing "fanny bumps" across the living room floor... I think the show was broadcast in Cleveland and could be viewed in Ohio, PA, some parts of Canada. Guess this shows my old age....54....:)

Anyways, we have this old 78 rpm Victrola and a whole bunch of old 78 rpm records, some I'd never looked at. I was just going through them and found two exercise records by Paige Palmer! One is called "Rhythmic Body Conditioning" and this was on both sides. The other one is "Posture Correction" on one side and "Bumps and Thumps" on the other. I haven't had time to listen to them yet, but I'm dying to! This lady was waaay before Jane Fonda!!!

It got me curious and I looked her up online. Here's a link (I hope - I'm usually "link-challenged") to a bio about her. Quite an interesting lady and ahead of her time in a lot of areas!

Ok, so I don't think I did it right....:mad: But anyways, it was fun going back in time seeing what fitness stuff was being done years ago.

Thanks for letting me go down memory lane! Only fitness fans would appreciate my excitement finding a vintage workout!!!
Hi Denise,

I had not heard of Paige Palmer, but thanks for sharing the link. What an amazing woman! She had such a full and varied life...some really incredible experiences.

I moved to the Cleveland area as an adult, so I recognize a lot of the local places and people referred to in the article.

I still don't understand what a "fanny bump" is... care to explain? :) Have fun listening the the records...

I grew up in Cleveland, and when I saw Paige Palmer I thought "I remember her!!!" :D I also remember my DS doing those fanny bumps and I think I did them once!

BTW, the link worked!

Michelle, a fanny bump (if I´m remembering correctly) is when you sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you and you lift one cheek after the other as you move yourself across the floor. What it does for you? No clue
I remember her. I was little then.
Thanks for the link. What a gal!
She was ahead of her time.
I should show this to my Mom.

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