Anyone here over 40?

I'm 55 and have just discovered Cathe, but I've been an exerciser for the past 20 years or so. There's lots of good advice on this forum. No sodas is a must, including all diet sodas -- diet sodas can actually make you fat -- drink water 1-2 glasses BEFORE each meal -- no bad carbs -- good carbs are okay and hi protein.

No high fat meal for 1 hour before you exercise -- no sugar for 2 hours after you exercise -- this helps to stimulate the natural HGH (growth hormore) in your own body. 25 grams of protein after exercising.

Actually getting rid of refined sugar in your diet is the best thing you could do for yourself.

Wow! What an inspiration you all are!

I'll be 43 next month and have been exercising on and off (mostly on) between pregnancies and babies since 1987. I discovered Cathe about 3 years ago and my fitness level has gone through the roof! I also do yoga and strongly feel that flexibility is a crucial component of fitness, especially as we age. For the most part, I eat healthfully but, at this point, have not found it necessary to restrict my caloric intake.
I'm 52 almost 53. I feel like the bad old lady on the board, because I eat what I want. That includes lots of fruits and veggies, but also breads, desserts, potatos, pasta. No sodas, except a coke when I have a migraine. I've worked out with Cathe for about 6 years. I've gained a belly and about 7 pounds during that time. I probably could lose those with diet restrictions, but I'm not that motivated. I'm healthy, stronger than ever, and size 6 petite.
I love that you got 42 responses from people over 40! I love this forum because it's the one place I get to be with women my age who think the way I do. At the age of 48 I have different goals for exercise than a 20-something-yr. old. My goals include growing old as gracefully as possible, in body and mind, and staying independent and self-sufficient for as long as possible if I live long enough to become elderly. Of course I also enjoy looking my best, but it's not as important to me as it was when I was younger (although, I have to admit, it's still more important to me than I think it should be).

About your question: are your goals realistic? How high is your body fat percentage? My body fat percentage is a little on the high side, but I don't worry about it much. My BMI is on the low side of normal and I am now wearing a size 4 petite in most clothes. I just can't be bothered with absolute perfection. I have a very demanding career, so I do the best I can, which is better than the vast majority of women my age.

I exercise when I can and eat a diet that I think is like the maintenance part of the Southbeach diet, or so I've been told. I love vegetables and fruit and eat TONS of them. Salads are my favorite meal for lunch and dinner. I eat salads that are so HUGE that my DH can't believe how much I eat. He thinks I've got an amazing metabolism, but I don't. I just measure out 4-6 tablespoons of my Newman's Light Balsamic Vinegrette salad dressing for each salad no matter how big it is and eat my veggies to my heart's content! :)

Sorry this is so long. Hope it helps! And WELCOME!!

Hi...late to the party, but I am WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY over 40 and still doing Cathe regularly. She is primarily the reason for my stamina. I just turned 58 last month. I work out with intensity 6 days a week although I have modified as needed. I'm a junkie but not a stupid one.

If one could choose how one exits this planet, I would choose doing flying angels and be found with a huge smile on my face.

I'm 45 will be 46 in January. I've been working out with The Firm for 10 years, now working out with Cathe and The Firm. I've got a 12 week rotation made up of Firm and Cathe workouts to get me ready for the Hardcore series. I'm determined to be ready to take on these new workouts. I'm working up from the easiet to hardest, then I'll be able to tackle them.

Hi Julia,

I am 46 almost 47. I have been working out with Cathe for 2 years and before that the Firm 2 years. I have not entered perimenopause yet but I know it is coming. I do, according to my family, look about 35 but feel 25. I eat a clean diet, drink plenty of water and journal everything! I used to be quite heavy and my problem area is my mid section. I don't eat any heavy carbs (like bread, potatoes, pasta...)after noon and go very light on them, I follow a 40/30/30 distribution of carbs, fat, and protein. I do eat plenty of veggies though. I went on a sugar binge a while back and I can tell you that it made me mushy so I quit the sugar except for natural from fruit. I also love coffee but keep it to 2 weak cups a day and drink extra water. Somehow the coffee affects my mid section if I don't get extra water.

I am so glad to see so many of us, I didn't know there were so many my age that take care of themselves, most of the people I know in my community that are my age have given up to aging and think I am nuts or that I am scared of looking old - actually I don't want to feel old, I want to have strong bones and a healthy body and I love to work out, play sports, all kinds of activities - don't mean to ramble - hope this helps you a bit!
Perimenopause is womanspeak for just before the real thing (menopause :D) Lots of symptoms begin to appear. Difficulty sleeping, irregular periods, etc.

Hi, Julia!
Congratulations on the loss of 50# and quitting're one awesome lady!

I'm 51 and have been doing a lot of Cathe lately (only discovered her last year), but I've been working out off and on for nearly 20 years. The last two years have been my best and most consistent. But I had to get some things in place: I quit smoking, was able to devote one room to MY hobbies (sewing, my books...DH has the living room bookcases full of HIS books now:) and my workout toys and dvd's, etc.) when younger DD got married and moved out, and this past summer, joined WW. I've lost 26 pounds since August.

You're on the right track...obviously, YOU quit smoking (YEAY!!!) and have already lost 50 pounds! Give yourself time and (this is the bad part) realize your life is may be fighting the belly fat for awhile, but you (and the rest of us in the same foxhole) will prevail. You have come to the right place!
I believe that technically a woman doesn't reach menopause until she has gone for a full year without a period. Anything else until that time is called perimenopause. Basically, it's a natural phase-out of menstruation, that can and usually does take many years.

As a 48-year old woman who has not begun perimenopause yet I'm hoping that I'll be like my mother who says she hardly noticed anything. But I'm so unlike my mother in so many ways, that I can't help but be a little scared. I'm an olympic sleeper and can't imagine what it would be like to have trouble sleeping. :-(
Wow! Its so great to see so many responses from over 40 ladies who work out. You all have given me so much inspiration. I'm so glad to know that I'm not alone in my quest to be the best that I can be. That's really my goal, to have the best body I'm capable of having at my age. Of course the years I spent smoking and not paying much attention to what I ate have taken their toll, and I know that I can't expect to look like a 25 year-old, but I still think I can achieve a higher level of fitness, and your responses have confirmed it for me!

I remember when I was in my 20's and found myself gaining a few pounds. All I had to do was give up the baked brie or the ice cream and voila! instant weight loss. Boy how times have changed! But I too believe that food is meant to be enjoyed, and I'm not training for a fitness model competition or anything, so I think I've found a good balance between eating clean and enjoying my meals.

Anyway - thanks again for all your responses.


As I understand it, anything before experiencing symptoms associated with Peri-menopause is Pre-menopause. Maybe I'm wrong, but in my readings on the subject, that's how it appeared to me.

Just hope you are like your mother when it comes to Menopause. Peri-menopause has not been fun!

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