Anyone here going through perimenopause?

>Like someone mentioned above, Kava Kava, as well as other
>herbal remedies can be very toxic to the liver. Since they're
>not controlled by the FDA there's no testing done on these
>herbal remedies. That's what makes me nervous about taking

There were some tests in Europe on the toxicity of Kava Kava however they were done with a purer source and a much higher dosage. It can be quite beneficial however moderation is the key as with most things.
Soosan, I could have written your post too. Last month I skipped my period and this month I think I'm making up for it because my PMS symptoms are really bad. My boobs are killing me, and my DH can't wait to hop a plane to Japan this Saturday because I've haven't exactly been all that fun to be around. I think he's happy he took that international job!

Nancy, I've read that perimenopause usually starts 10 years prior to menopause. Which is why so many of us in our 40's are commiserating!;)

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