Anyone here going through perimenopause?

I am 47, and have been going through perimenopause for almost 7 years. Insomnia, night sweats, irritability, cyclical water retention, vaginal dryness, etc. At first, I tried BCP's, and the progesterone caused me to be slightly depressed and even more irritable, even though the night sweats stopped.

My female menopausal gynecologist recommended Estroven, which contains black cohosh, soy and some vitamins. I take 2 Extra Strength a day, and have found tremendous relief from everything except the water retention. It may all be in my head, but so what?

I've (suddenly) become VERY familiar with this! I, too, had to have an early hysterectomy and just found out I am post menopausal. I didn't even think I had to worry about menopause for years. I was seeing a nutritionist and when she heard my symptoms (low energy, fatigue, bloating, low sex drive, forgetfulness) she suspected my hormones were low. My doctor tested them and yep, they were rock bottom. I HIGHLY recommend everyone getting their blood tested NOW so that when you start having symptoms, you will know what normal levels are for you.

Both my doctor and my nutritionist recommended natural bioidentical hormones. I'm ethically opposed to synthetic HRT (my friend runs a horse farm that rescues "premarin foals" instead of letting them be destroyed.) I read "The Sexy Years" by Suzanne Somers (boy, she's not as flaky as I thought!) and another book by a Dr. Lee, something like What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause.

With synthetic HRT, it's sort of a one pill fits all deal. With bioidentical hormones, you have your estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels tested and the prescription is compounded to fit YOUR individual needs. Then you can play with the mixture over time to find what gives you energy, makes you feel great, helps you sleep better, etc. They are plant-based and have other beneficial side effects as well.

If you do a search for College Pharmacy in Colorado Springs, you'll find some great information on it.
I am a Women's Healthcare Rep for a pharmaceutical company. There are so many myths out there!

Don't you want the facts? The news is only going to give you the "sensational" and Suzanne Somers, Katie Couric, etc. are not MD's and do not treat menopause on a daily basis. There is a great website to go to for information that is approved by the FDA and is not a commercial for any product.

The website is:

Your Health Care Provider knows about it. Ask questions. Do not settle . It is your body and You need to be informed!! Don't accept what "others" say, as there are so many MYTHs out there.

Good luck in your journey through menopause. You are already doing more that most women by taking care of your body exercising with Cathe!!
I haven't had a regular period in at least a year. I'm 54 and I can go two months without... then WHAM!! I get slammed again. Sometimes it can last 2 to 3 weeks!!! I, also, have issues with night sweats, hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia etc. I'm working with my doctor to find some solutions. We'll see what happens.
I turned 50 this summer and missed my first period since I was in my early 20's this August. I also had trouble with insomnia and crankiness during August and pesky hot flashes and night sweats. Since weight gain is associated with insomnia, I decided to take action. I've experimented with Valerian Root and Melatonin for help with insomnia and am now experiecing sleep ... yeah! And I think that helps with the crankiness. For the hot flashes and night sweats, I've been taking black cohash and soy supplements (Estorven products) .. I've been much improved. I consider myself to be early in my process and I'm not sure the supplements are the cause of the improved condition, or because I've ovulated this month which means September would have been ok anyways. But I plan to continue to investigate and experiment to help me thru this process.
I'm 45,clean bill of health and now waking up with panic feelings, leg sweats at night.....I'm not willing to live with it.Being a critical care nurse, have seen self medication with herbal preparations that tax the liver and have cardiac effects...prefer something tested in a lab.....just about all of us, to make ourselves feel normal while going through these surges, and working full time, taking care of family,house, working OT, we use SSRI's and feel me, if a diabetic doesn't take insulen, we call them a fool, if one doesn't treat distress of the human spirit, are they not as foolish? Why do we think we're morally superior to use non regulated products, that also run the SAME complications as drug company products? (digoxin comes from a plant for example and can be deadly in its natural state, lifesaving in its pharmaceutical state)........I can tell you that a lot of marriages break up when women are in their 40's, and now, I understand why....I'm not myself with these hormonal swings and pressures of modern, don't beat yourselves up if you take an to all!
I'm 45,clean bill of health and now waking up with panic feelings, leg sweats at night.....I'm not willing to live with it.Being a critical care nurse, have seen self medication with herbal preparations that tax the liver and have cardiac effects...prefer something tested in a lab.....just about all of us, to make ourselves feel normal while going through these surges, and working full time, taking care of family,house, working OT, we use SSRI's and feel me, if a diabetic doesn't take insulen, we call them a fool, if one doesn't treat distress of the human spirit, are they not as foolish? Why do we think we're morally superior to use non regulated products, that also run the SAME complications as drug company products? (digoxin comes from a plant for example and can be deadly in its natural state, lifesaving in its pharmaceutical state)........I can tell you that a lot of marriages break up when women are in their 40's, and now, I understand why....I'm not myself with these hormonal swings and pressures of modern, don't beat yourselves up if you take an to all! And, ps. I'm a vegetarian, yoga teacher, nurse, very organic girl, but think being a zealot in any persuasion is dangerous............
Yep, I know how you 3's work well and Evening Primrose. B12 complex, calcium and vitamins w/iron. Hot flashes can be cured with "Bud Light" and group of women :D, Annette
This is a great thread as I am going through all of this as well. I am 47. Hot flashes - times when I actually have to rip my clothes off - I'm at home :)

Also, waking up all through the night. I'm also very thirsty. Not sure if that is a symptom or I'm not drinking enough water.

I was taking meletonin as suggested by my herbalist, it worked for a while, but now i'm right back to not being able to sleep. i was just told about velerian root. i am taking chloraphil, dong quia, and acassional LBS 2. I am on levoxyl for hypothyroid too. with the insomnia thyroid and hormone fluxuation, i fight my wt. constantly. i had the bloodtests done by the doctor and it showed i was post menopausal also, but my estrogen level was the same as a menastrating woman, which i have had a hystroectomy 6 yrs ago. i don't have faith in medical doctors. they have showed me nothing. i am supposed to be post but i still have insomnia, mild hot flashes and my hips won't go back where they used to be lol. actually it is quite depressing. but i just keep on going eating clean workingout and hoping someday my efforts will prevail. how do you take the herbs you are taking for insomnia? that seems to be the worst thing on me right now. and looking for any relief.:) thanks for any help you might offer.
I am so happy to see this thread! I am 41 and I haven't had a period since May. Periods were kind of irregular before this(sometimes stretching out to 40 days between them last year). I guess this is perimenopuase? I haven't had any other real symptoms - no night sweats or hot flashes. But the past two weeks I have had this free-floating anxiety. I have butterfiles in my stomach constantly. I have felt like binging on everything and anything (I've been able to stay away from chocolate and stuff- but I've eaten tons of grapes and carrots and on a bad day crackers!!!) My question is - is this anxiety because of the probable perimenopuase? Usually when I'm anxious like this I can link it to something in my life, but it just seems like everything makes me nervous these days - going to my son's soccer practice or 4-H club meeting, painting my porch cieling, even going to the store. What's up with me?? Am I going off the deep end or could this be hormonal? Should I see my OB/Gyn? I had my yearly checkup shortly after my last period.

Thanks for any insights you all have!

I'm there too. I'm 44. Sometimes TOM is late, sometimes I don't see it at all. The only thing bugging me is that I have a tummy now where I didn't before. I am in better shape than ever and weigh a little less, but I tried on a skirt I haven't worn in 10 years and - darn it - it was tight just in the waist. Have any of you found anything to fix this?
I'm 46 and right there with the rest of you. For those of you who have trouble sleeping, have you tried Kava Kava or Lobilia herbs? Don't go to Walmart but buy high quality. Kava Kava works the best for me.
Like someone mentioned above, Kava Kava, as well as other herbal remedies can be very toxic to the liver. Since they're not controlled by the FDA there's no testing done on these herbal remedies. That's what makes me nervous about taking them.

I have anxiety issues too. I had an anxiety attack a few months ago and there are times now when I'll feel a sudden sense of panic coming on. I'll get lightheaded and have to sit down. I've heard this is another symptom of perimenopause. Ain't it grand???
I'm no doctor, but I think there's a very good chance you're not experiencing PM at all. I would suggest seeing your doctor. It's possible that you're just going through a stressful time, but have it checked out. The average age of menopause in this country is about 52 years old, and although there are women your age who are in PM, I think it's a minority.

For insomnia, I first experimented with a low dose of melatonin (300 micrograms)and only on the weekends as I wasn't sure of how it might affect me and was concerned about grogginess in the morning interfering with preparing for work or with work. That low dose didn't seem to do much for me. Valerian root by itself didn't seem to do much. The crankiness (from lack of sleep possibly) needed to be addressed, so when I was in the suppplement isle, I noticed you could get melatonin at 3mg (10x the previous dosage) and I thought "desparate times call for desparte measures". That 3mg seems to be doing the trick ... I use it and the Estorven on the weekends and get 6-8 hours sleep. During the week, I use only the Estroven PM supplement (has the Valerian Root) and I'm now getting about 5-7 hours sleep/night (before it was only 2-4 hours) and I don't have any problems with grogginess. My crankiness has improved considerably. I also supplement with Calcium and Magnesium, the B-complex vitamins (the "Be-calm" vitamins, Valerian Root, Black Cohosh, Soy supplement, and Flaxseed oil ... most all this comes in 3 different pills (one Melatonin, one Estroven PM, and one other that provides all the other stuff for daytime use. So far things are much better. The only side effect I've noticed from the higher dose melatonin is more vivid dreams just prior to waking -- they're not scary or anything, just more memorable, and I've not noticed any side effects from the other stuff (-- always be vigilent about side effects). Anyone considering supplements, I'd suggest doing your homework. I'm a fan of Dr. Andrew Weil, MD, and I'm now reading "Before the Change .. Taking Charge of Your Perimenopause" by Ann Loise Gittleman, MS, CNS. Deb
A lovely side effect of getting older...Great isn't it?! I have also been loss of periods yet, but I was getting hot flashes, insomnia, and just moody as hell! Anyway, my gyno put me on Zoloft, which is realitively easy to take and easy to come off of when the time comes....At least you could avoid hormone therapy for the time being...And my girlfriend who had a full hysterectomy did not have much luck with hormones and ended up on antideprssants too...:eek:

Go to see your doctor...he/she can help...Good luck!:p

Another perimenopausal 44-yr-old here! My symptoms include swollen, painful breasts a week or two before my period, mild night sweats, periodic insomnia, moodiness and irritability, irregular, lighter periods, mild anxiety and spaciness/forgetfulness. I can handle these symptoms if they don't get any worse, but I have a feeling the worst is yet to come. I find that working out helps a LOT.
>Another perimenopausal 44-yr-old here! My symptoms include
>swollen, painful breasts a week or two before my period, mild
>night sweats, periodic insomnia, moodiness and irritability,
>irregular, lighter periods, mild anxiety and
>spaciness/forgetfulness. I can handle these symptoms if they
>don't get any worse, but I have a feeling the worst is yet to
>come. I find that working out helps a LOT.

I could have written this post. The breast tenderness is what really bothers me...can't have anything or anyone within a mile of them babes when they are sore. Also,forget about doing any workout with any ammount of jumping:(


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