anyone heard of this video (yoga)?


I saw it on a site called; it's called "Yoga for Inflexible People." It sounds like a good concept; I'm not very flexibile and figured yoga would be a great way to increase my flexibility. It's a DVD that has several workouts on it ranging from 15 to 75 minutes, which would be perfect because you could do the shorter ones after a tough workout as a nice cooldown/stretch. But I haven't been able to find any reviews (I checked and or find this video anywhere other than It's only $20 for the DVD, but I hate to order something without having heard anything about it.

If you haven't heard of it, would you have any suggestions for other yoga tapes/DVDs? I'm looking for something that would help increase flexibility, and I like the idea of something short enough to tack on to the end of a workout, or maybe just do on a day when I don't really have time to do a full workout.


Thanks! That was very helpful. Sounds like I might want to try something a little different...I'll have to spend some time reading reviews of yoga videos over at videofitness to see what sounds good. Thanks again for the help!


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