I think Nancy's phrase "correcting an imperfection" is a key phrase. I think for some women with smaller chests they do consider that to be an imperfection, I believe one of the posters on this thread said she thought of herself that way because her chest measurement was small. And some people with bigger noses may be just fine with their noses, and not consider them to be imperfections, whereas others may truly be unhappy with their noses, or their breasts, or their whatevers. Everyone perceives everything differently. I am happy being a size 12-14 whereas others would consider that to be an unacceptable size and would be busy trying to grow smaller. Elizabeth Hurley famously said if she were as "fat" as Marilyn Monroe she'd kill herself. (Jokingly, of course.) So I believe that it's up to each person to decide what they want to change on themselves, and how they want to change it, and it's better not to judge those changes.
I suppose you're right, diane. Good point. Who knows how a person sees themselves. I'd be willing to wager that Michael Jackson was the only person who thought his surgeries made him look better. But in the end, all that mattered was how he saw it.