I’m at a crossroads with my 11 year old cat, Holly. At her 6 month check up with discovered she had lost 2 lbs. Labs showed that she had a high white blood cell count and is anemic. Other labs confirmed no pancreatitis or IBD. Urinalysis and other blood tests normal. Ultrasound showed issues in her GI, vet guessing lymphocytic lymphoma. He consulted with internist who agrees it’s 90% likely. We hesitate to do a biopsy because she is so thin now and don’t want to put her through that. Vet has prescribed a chew version of Chlorambucil. I’m hesitant to give her this without 100% confirmation. We’ve been monitoring her weight with a baby scale and she hasn’t lost in 3 weeks. She has no other symptoms. I just don’t know if I should start giving her the chemo or continue to wait and monitor. I don’t want to wait too long to decide on the chance it is lymphoma. It’s so hard because there is no clear cut answer.