Anyone have any New Year fitness resolutions?


Here's what I wrote on a resolution post over at yayas:

I call this: My B.I.O. (bring it on) 2008 plan. I've already written a full 16 week/2 different rotations in my exercise notebook. My first 8 weeks I'm looking to lose fat and maintain muscle. Here is what my 1st 8 weeks consists of:

Cardio: Monday-Saturday, (yep 6 days) Cardio Coach (mixing the lighter CC's with the lengthy ones)

Strength: Using Amy Bento's Slow Mo I'll do a 3 day on, 1 day off. (the day off will be my ab training day) It will look as follows:

Day 1: Slow Mo Back & Chest, Day 2: Slow Mo Legs, Day 3: Slow Mo Shoulders, Bi's and Tri's, Day 4: Core work (then repeat)

My next 8 weeks I'll try to continue to lose fat but I'm switching it up completely by doing more of a Body For Life type of weight system. Here is my 2nd 8 weeks:

Sundays: Rest day
Monday: CC in morning/CTX UB mix in evening
Tuesday: Step
Wednesday: Kickbox in morning/Butts & Guts in evening
Thursday: "fun cardio" day
Friday: CC in morning/CTX UB mix in evening
Saturday: Step

Then for the 2nd week it would be:

Sunday: Rest day
Monday: Kickbox in morning/Butts and Guts in evening
Tuesday: Step
Wednesday: CC in morning/CTX UB mix in evening
Thursday: Fun cardio
Friday: Kickbox in morning/Butts and Guts in evening
Saturday: Step

I'd repeat these 2 weeks for a total of 8 weeks (4 times of each week).

Pretty anal I know but I figure if I write it down then it may be easier for me to say, this is the year to get back to my fighting weight and maybe, just maybe, be even better!!!! :*

Has anyone else got any big fitness resolutions for 2008??
Yes,I want to lose this last 30 or so pds thats been clinging to me since my body decided to stop losing weight in early summerx(.

I was on WW'ers and lost 32pds(2pds a week,steady rate)then it just stopped! so this new years resolution is to lose that and build my muscle!

Im waiting for the STS series for help;-)
Yup, a cortisone shot to my shoulder, then the new P90x+, then STS - don't know about you all, but Cathe's muscle classes are plenty aerobic for me, I easily get above 70 percent of max!
I am getting married in May 2008, so I want to pump up my upper body so I look buff in that wedding dress!!

Haven't really developed a plan yet... I was hoping I would get STS in time...
Have any of you seen the latest commercial for (is it Nutrisystem?) with Valerie Bertinelli? She looks fantastic! She starts to cry and says that this is the FIRST year in 20 years that she will wake up on January 1st and NOT think about her weight. (It's quite a tear jerker!)

Hard to believe she has struggled with this for 20 years.

So that's my New Year Fitness Resolution -- no more slave to the scale and instead to focus on running farther, lifting heavier, and being able to keep up with Cathe and all of her push-ups!! :)

I do have one but it's sort of a little secret. Maybe I'll get to share it with you all soon. :)

Oh Ms. secretive Carolyn....

I resolve to hang in there and squeeze in a w/o whenever I can get one. I would love to have a snappy fitness plan with daily schedules but alas, that cannot happen for me. I learned that my life won't be neat and organized and I might spend the night in the ER with my mom or I might sip a glass of wine with friends laughing my head off at something stupid. I am envious of all you peeps with your awesome workout schedules. Share how you do it!
>I do have one but it's sort of a little secret. Maybe I'll
>get to share it with you all soon. :)

Oh man, I hate when people do that! I'll be wracking my brain all day trying to figure out what you're up to -- LOL!!!
>>I do have one but it's sort of a little secret. Maybe I'll
>>get to share it with you all soon. :)
>Oh man, I hate when people do that! I'll be wracking my brain
>all day trying to figure out what you're up to -- LOL!!!

Sorry Michele.:) I'll let you know (probably via PM) when I can.

I'm with Beavs on this one. You never know what is going to happen, life never is neat and organized in my world, so my resolution roll with the punches, do my best and forget the rest. How I love that saying, it gives s great big hug to the perfectionist in me! Thanks Tony H for that one!:)
I want to alternate heavy strength training rotations with running/endurance lifting rotations through out 2008. I am starting now with a round of the X. When the X is completed in February of 2008 I will move on to an endurance lifting rotation while training for my second half marathon that I hope to do in the spring. I will then repeat the process but will likely change the work outs I use. I am hoping to be able to use either P90X+ or STS the second time around!}( I hope to do my 3rd half marathon at the end of the year.

My big 2009 goal is a full marathon!!!!}(
I just want to get my act together and exercise consistantly again - the way I USED to and the way so many of you on the forum obviously do! I'm ashamed to admit I can count on 10 fingers how many workouts I've done in the last two months!!!! I've allowed my job and my "to-do" lists to rule my life. x( x( x(

Time for a change...wish me luck.:)
I resolve NOT to make any resolutions that I can't keep, which will make me feel guilty and like a failure for not keeping.
Last year's resolution was to run a marathon. I ran a half-marathon in May and was training for a full in October.

Then my dad passed away in July -- everything regarding fitness and training and whatever went out the window. I haven't been on a run of any kind since July 1st, when my dad went into the hospital (he had lung cancer for a year).

2008 will be the year I do the marathon -- for my dad.

I entered a sprint triathlon that will take place in June (600yd swim, 14 mile bike, 5k run). As part of my training, I've enrolled in a fitness swimming class that starts in January, since that's my weakest link.

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