Here's what I wrote on a resolution post over at yayas:
I call this: My B.I.O. (bring it on) 2008 plan. I've already written a full 16 week/2 different rotations in my exercise notebook. My first 8 weeks I'm looking to lose fat and maintain muscle. Here is what my 1st 8 weeks consists of:
Cardio: Monday-Saturday, (yep 6 days) Cardio Coach (mixing the lighter CC's with the lengthy ones)
Strength: Using Amy Bento's Slow Mo I'll do a 3 day on, 1 day off. (the day off will be my ab training day) It will look as follows:
Day 1: Slow Mo Back & Chest, Day 2: Slow Mo Legs, Day 3: Slow Mo Shoulders, Bi's and Tri's, Day 4: Core work (then repeat)
My next 8 weeks I'll try to continue to lose fat but I'm switching it up completely by doing more of a Body For Life type of weight system. Here is my 2nd 8 weeks:
Sundays: Rest day
Monday: CC in morning/CTX UB mix in evening
Tuesday: Step
Wednesday: Kickbox in morning/Butts & Guts in evening
Thursday: "fun cardio" day
Friday: CC in morning/CTX UB mix in evening
Saturday: Step
Then for the 2nd week it would be:
Sunday: Rest day
Monday: Kickbox in morning/Butts and Guts in evening
Tuesday: Step
Wednesday: CC in morning/CTX UB mix in evening
Thursday: Fun cardio
Friday: Kickbox in morning/Butts and Guts in evening
Saturday: Step
I'd repeat these 2 weeks for a total of 8 weeks (4 times of each week).
Pretty anal I know but I figure if I write it down then it may be easier for me to say, this is the year to get back to my fighting weight and maybe, just maybe, be even better!!!! :*
Has anyone else got any big fitness resolutions for 2008??
I call this: My B.I.O. (bring it on) 2008 plan. I've already written a full 16 week/2 different rotations in my exercise notebook. My first 8 weeks I'm looking to lose fat and maintain muscle. Here is what my 1st 8 weeks consists of:
Cardio: Monday-Saturday, (yep 6 days) Cardio Coach (mixing the lighter CC's with the lengthy ones)
Strength: Using Amy Bento's Slow Mo I'll do a 3 day on, 1 day off. (the day off will be my ab training day) It will look as follows:
Day 1: Slow Mo Back & Chest, Day 2: Slow Mo Legs, Day 3: Slow Mo Shoulders, Bi's and Tri's, Day 4: Core work (then repeat)
My next 8 weeks I'll try to continue to lose fat but I'm switching it up completely by doing more of a Body For Life type of weight system. Here is my 2nd 8 weeks:
Sundays: Rest day
Monday: CC in morning/CTX UB mix in evening
Tuesday: Step
Wednesday: Kickbox in morning/Butts & Guts in evening
Thursday: "fun cardio" day
Friday: CC in morning/CTX UB mix in evening
Saturday: Step
Then for the 2nd week it would be:
Sunday: Rest day
Monday: Kickbox in morning/Butts and Guts in evening
Tuesday: Step
Wednesday: CC in morning/CTX UB mix in evening
Thursday: Fun cardio
Friday: Kickbox in morning/Butts and Guts in evening
Saturday: Step
I'd repeat these 2 weeks for a total of 8 weeks (4 times of each week).
Pretty anal I know but I figure if I write it down then it may be easier for me to say, this is the year to get back to my fighting weight and maybe, just maybe, be even better!!!! :*
Has anyone else got any big fitness resolutions for 2008??