Yes: I turned 40 this year and have just lost three years of productive life to depression. I can do Cathe workouts til the cows come home, but the truth is, exercise alone cannot do more than chip small dents in the depression of the clinically depressed. Which I now accept I am.
So, I have finally accepted to start a new medication regime in a desperate and honest attempt to find long term solutions and treatments that will help me get back closer to the me I used to be. I started it a month ago, with the first medication. I now have to add in the second anti-depressant medication and play a waiting game and see if it helps.
My goals have nothing to do with losing pounds, increasing weights, increasing endurance. All of that has taken a back seat. I haven't ;ifted a weight for a month and my step has cobwebs.
My goal is to get better, to get well, to not let depression rule my life: to fight back and reclaim my life for me.
Please wish me well. I could do with some kind thoughts right now.
Thanks for listening,