Anyone had microdermabrasion?


I'm considering microdermabrasion. I found a spa in my town that does this at what I think is a reasonable price and was wondering if anyone has had it done and the results. I'm hoping that it will help with lines around my mouth and lips.
I've never had microdermabrasion, but chose chemical peels instead. I was told the results of either would be similar. I have had 4 of 6 peels so far and my skin definitely looks better. My skin has a better tone, blotchiness is all but gone, and fine lines are being eliminated. Also some acne scarring is disappearing. I'm glad I decided I was worth spending the money on for these peels.

I'm sure you will have good results with the microdermabrasion as well.

Good Luck,

May I ask what kind of chemical peels? I am thinking that they must not be that strong if you are getting them on a regular basis,which could be good as I know if you have one of those heavy TCA peels you need about a week before you look normal.
I have had several microdermabasions. I've definitely had some great results. However, for best results, you should get at least 3 treatments and have all 3 in a 3-week period.
I have had microdermabrasion and really liked the results. It wasn't that it helped with wrinkles, but it got all the dead skin off my face. The next morning when I started applying my foundation I was so surprised - it's like new skin!

It can be a little uncomfortable though while it's being done - not quite as relaxing as a regular facial!
thanks for the replies. At the spa where I'm thinking of going you pay separate for the initial treatment and then you buy a package of 6 more additional treatments. I've been thinking of doing this for a long time and I've just about made up mind for sure. I'm going to call tomorrow for a consultation.
Hi Kelley

I had microdermabrasion done. I was told it would remove mild discolorations and acne scarring. Nope, it didn't. It definitely didn't remove any fine lines. I went through the series of 6. It removed the dead skin and gave me face a glow for a short time. I personally won't pay to have it done again. Now, if someone wanted to treat me to a day of relaxation....;-)
Hi Candi,

They are a little uncomfortable during the process, slight burning/stining feeling, but it goes by very fast (2-4 minutes I'm guessing). My face is a little pink just after the peel. The next few days my skin feels tight, and the top layers starts peeling off for several days. This is the exfoliation period that gets rid of the old and allows the new to show. I do make sure to wear sunscreen. The spa that I go to does them in a series of 6 peels to be done at least 10 days apart. I just had my 4th one and it has/is definitely making a difference in the appearance of my skin.

I have had it several times. I don't think it works too well for wrinkles. Maybe slightly for discoloration. Your best bet for fine lines are peels, some Retin-A, or something with retinol in it. And avoid sun on your face at all costs for now on.

Thanks DML and Lori. I really appreciate your posts. My only reason for wanting the treatments is for lines. I have no other concerns with my face. If it does nothing for lines, then I definitely do not want to waste my money. Other than lines on my face, I actually have no other problems. I have no scars and my skin color is pretty much all the same. I have been using a product with retinol for the last 2 years which I can definitely tell has helped my face a lot. I think I will just stick with my retinol product and really good moisturizers as I have dry skin. Thanks everyone.
Then Kelley, save your money. I agree. I'm sorry to post late, but I did do 9 treatments in 9 weeks, would have done 10 but hey, I was not THAT! impressed, considering I had one treatment done for free!

Anyway, does it soften your face? Yes, your skin feels silky smooth! Does it eliminate your acne? I don't know. That stuff is buried deep in your skin & takes weeks to come up, so if you can afford over the 9 weeks I religiously did it, then you can tell me. Otherwise, all I can call it, is an amazing skin softener, & dead skin remover, but my brow furrow never decreased. And, I can say, my lines are pretty subtle, so I was looking for more preventative measures. The wrinkle, never changed a bit. Maybe I was the wrong candidate. Should have gone for botox instead. Hmmm? Seriously. I would pay for the treatments, grin & bear it, but I personally wasn't too impressed.

Now, I think, I'll look into those glycolic peels...

Thanks Marla. I'm glad I asked this question before going out and spending a lot of money. You guys are great. Thanks for the advice.
No but I am thinking of buying one of the home microdermabrasion kits, they are getting cheaper........

Kelly, what retinol product are you using? I keep looking and looking but I hate to experiment with stuff that is expensive... any recs appreciated.

I have been thinking hard about botox, too. My skin is mostly really good (I am very fair so have been religious about sunscreen since the unfortunate days of youthful attempts to tan resulting in sun poisoning more often than not!)... but I do have a furrow right between my eyebrows that is really bugging me.

It's either botox, or bangs!:)

I've had microdermabrasion and photolight. There is nothing like clearing off that top layer of skin for keeping yourself youthful! Photolight is also wonderful for removing those sun damaging age spots and closing pores. OF course, I use Retin A or Tazorac Cream with my trusty sunscreen in between treatments. I think they are good beauty treatments for those of us over 40.

Robin (who is way over 40)
I'm glad you pulled this thread up again, Marla, because I'm just starting to think about this now. I have Dr. Denese's book which I've just started to read, and I'm going to make an appointment with a dermatologist today to see what can be done for me. I have a few spots on my face and discolorations that are starting to annoy me. It was interesting to read this thread.


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