Anyone Ever Lose a Friend because of Exercise?

I don't think this girl ever really was your friend.

I'm so happy you are doing something good for yourself! :)
"I got in shape and gained a new self confidence, which was a great thing. Unfortunately, I lost my best friend of over ten years because of it."

Congrats on getting in shape! The self confidence that goes with it makes everything so worth it.

The part about your friend made me sad though. Friends are hard to come by and it hurts to loose them, no matter what the circumstance. The worst part is loosing a long time friend over something like that. You didn't do anything bad to her. If the friendship was that shallow to her then she doesn't know what friendship is. It still hurts to loose a friend, but maybe the hurt is in realising that she wasn't much of a friend in the first place.

Good friends are very special. I think we only get maybe 1 or 2 in a lifetime.

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