Anyone ever crack a rib?


I fell down the stairs the day before Thanksgiving and cracked my rib. I have been home from work since and was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this. Anyone have any general ideas on when I might be able to exercise again? Obviously my Dr. will have the final say on this - I was just wondering if anyone else has been through this. Does it take a long time to heal?
Oh, I feel so sorry for you! I cracked 2 last year around this time (I was trampled by a horse x() and I definitely feel for you. For me, any kind of reaching or pulling movements that originated from the injured side were quite painful for a VERY long time...about a month. Believe me, you will know when you're ready to start exercising (lightly!) again. For me, I started back with very light step with no upperbody movement (just the footwork) after about three weeks. It was probably a good thing that I continued to ride a bunch of horses every day so I was able to keep moving. However, and I can't stress this enough, take your time and don't rush it and listen to your doc!

I hope you feel better,
Oh Jen how awful! Cant relate from experience but I hear thats one of the most painful things in the world! I am happy however that a fall down stairs didnt result in something much more permanent. You were "lucky".... Just follow Drs orders 100%. A few weeks or month off (if thats his advise) isnt going to make you self destruct or anything. For whatever your recovery time is just eat clean... thats 85% of the game anyway. ;-)
Feel better soon.
Sorry, the only ribs I've cracked belonged to someone else and I was doing CPR on them at work!

I am sorry that you had this happen and please take it easy. If you don't you could damage your rib further which could make you prone to puncturing your lung. My DH cracked one last year when I had some falling episodes and it took him months to fully recover.
I just wanted to say thank you for your thoughts. I will try and be patient now that I know it could be a lenthy process back to "normal".
Oh Jen, I did almost the same thing a couple years ago. Same time of year too. But my ribs were just bruised. And that hurt a whole lot. I think it took me 2 weeks till I could workout again, so I'm thinking it will be longer for you. Take it easy and try not to laugh.
Ooh, yeah, I forgot about laughing...and coughing, and sneezing, and .... ;-) :+. Take it easy, and no going to any comedy clubs or the movies for a very, very long time LOL.

Take care,
Very little is done for factured ribs now. If you can ice it, that will help with the pain. Some athletic tape will also give some support.

If you need to cough, try to support the area with a cushion and gentle pressure. To help stop sneezing, press just under your nose as hard as you can (where your nose meets the top lip in the middle) - its an accupuncture point that works great.

Just hang in there - it will get better but hurts like H_LL. Keep trying to take deep breaths (as pain allows)- that will minimize the chances of lung problems (pnumonia)developing.

You might try to get hold of some Kinesio Tape (
I broke a rib last winter. I never did bother to see a doctor, since there is nothing that really is done insofar as wrapping, etc. to cracked ribs. Exercise wise, I don't recall it being THAT restricting; I just selected exercises that didn't bother it too much. Ab work and rotational movements were the toughest things to manage. I suppose the amount of pain you're having, where the break is, which rib, etc. will be the determining factors for you!
Thanks for all the advice. Yes, coughing & laughing are hard, but I sneezed and thought I was going to die!. I immediately do as Bill suggested to prevent that again. I ended up in the ER 6 days into this(on my birthday) with severe pain (couldn't walk or breathe without crying - almost fainted from the pain)after trying to get out of bed unsuccessfully.I still don't know what I did, turn the wrong way? A shot of Morphine, xrays to confirm the fracture and some pain meds and I was doing better. BTW - My Dr. knows that I am NOT into medication of any kind as a rule, so for me to say yes to them showed the pain I was in. Thank God my husband is who he is, he took the day off to take me to the ER and make sure I was o.k. I look forward to the New Year and the 90PX DVD's my husband is giving me.Yes,I will work my way back up to them. :)
I have never done a rib, but if it feels anything like a cracked tailbone. I am really feeling for ya.... Heal quickly. I have heard you can only tape them for pressure for breathing.
Sorry to hear this. I know that darn tailbone(Fell down steps) hurt for over 3 months.
Good luck..

Aka( Storm)

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