Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret "fashion" show?


I could only bear to watch the first five minutes of this show last night. I think it's ridiculous that this program is aired on regular television (and I'm not even conservative!) so that we can celebrate a bunch of 20 year olds marching around in their underpants.

I like Victoria's Secret products, for the most part, but I have stopped shopping there because I think they are all about sex, sex, sex, and ridiculously unattainable body images.

Sorry for the rant, I was surprised that no one commented on it today.


RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

I agree, my dh even said it was border-line porn. I love VS stuff, but this makes me think twice about ordering from them again.
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

I think it's ridiculous that this program is
>aired on regular television (and I'm not even conservative!)
>so that we can celebrate a bunch of 20 year olds marching
>around in their underpants.

:) :) :) :) :) This gave me a good giggle!

I didn't watch this and never have. It's another one of those "ignore if you don't like" things, although I think that it does send a bad messafe to the young girls about body image.
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

i just laugh b/c of the "bra technology" term like there is a lab somewhere working on the study of bras while we need a cure for cancer. i don't bother with them unless they have their sales where i can get a bra for $9.99. i don't wear any of their undies b/c i don't care for them. i like boy shorts and i can get them cheap and comfy at wal-mart thank you very much.

i am FAAAARRRR from conservative but this could have 1)been on a later time and 2)on another network like FX or something

young ppl don't need to see that we have enough sex on mtv but at least most of the time they have SOME clothes on


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

I agree with the statement about promoting a unattainable body image to young girls. I wish they would vary the size of their models because looking at the same body type day in and day out is not only silly, but kinda boring as well.

I could do without it!!

RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

Yes, I'm irritated by it!!! No, I didn't watch it. Makes me feel inferior and insecure. No wonder so many girls have image problems. I don't want DH gawking at those "perfect" models! Regardless of what he'd say, I know he wouldn't be checking out the lingerie for me - he'd be checking out the models wearing it.
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

I could not agree more with all of you. I think it's totally inappropriate to air it on TV at that time. It is borderline porn. I used to love Little House on the Prairie and I always wanted to be little Laura Ingals...maybe I was born at the wrong time? haha
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

This is an interesting thread. I didn't see the show, but have the feeling that most of the participants in this forum would be better models than those on the show. I particularly enjoyed the poster's opinion of "bra technology." How true. Ahhhh, marketing. They've finally put our freak'in underwear into the techno realm. It just makes me laugh.
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

>i just laugh b/c of the "bra technology" term like there is a
>lab somewhere working on the study of bras while we need a
>cure for cancer.

I agree with you about the "Ipex bra": it's advertised as if it's some technical marvel, and from what I've read, it's basically just got some extra thickness over the nipple area.

Actually, for real "bra technology," there is a precedent: Howard Hughes actually had his aircraft designers come up with the design for a bra for Jane Russell.
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

Why the hostility, there's people that obviously want to see that or sex wouldn't sell the way it does. Face it, everyone likes beaty whether its girls, cars, a nice house etc... Who cares if they don't look like the "average" girl, I don't think it's meant to compare ourselves to, just be yourself. I don't worry what others think and I don't care what others do, if I don't want to see it I won't watch, but good for them for taking advantage of their looks and it doesn't last forever anyway. Just my opinion.
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

>cares if they don't look like the "average" girl, I don't
>think it's meant to compare ourselves to, just be yourself. I
>don't worry what others think and I don't care what others do,
>if I don't want to see it I won't watch

I have to agree. These shows don't appeal to me, therefore I don't watch them, but they don't bother me either. I am me, period. Somebody who looks different, whether better or worse, has no impact on me.

I also wonder at those who lament the effect these "perfect" bodies have on teenage girls. I am long, long past from my teenage years, but I don't recall caring what other girls looked like. I cared about being the best I could be for ME. Maybe times are different now.
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

I'm far from slim and far from being in my 20s, for that matter, but I'm definitely not intimidated by these women and could care less if my husband looks at them. I workout for me, not my husband.

As far as the show, didn't care to watch it, so I didn't. As matter of fact, I didn't even know it was on.

I came back to add that if I was 5'10" and 115 pounds (I'm actually only 5' and 124 lbs), you can bet I would be modeling lingerie also and making those big bucks.
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

I could use some bra technology. Let's see them come up with a padded bra that makes someone as boobless as I look like I have a bit of boobage that doesn't look ridiculous or dent and look like I'm boobless wearing a padded bra. I never outgrew my training bra. Those women have incredible bods and no fasion show or catalogue is going convince me I can look like that. It could make me that much more aware of the fact that I look like a 12 year old boy and feel bad because I don't measure up. I quit wearing padded bras and show off my gloriously flat chested body rather than look goofy in a padded bar that looks like a padded bra. I console myself knowing they, not I, are freaks of nature. Except that my rib case and bra size are the same but that just makes me unique. :D
Elves rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

well gotta remember some are genetic freaks like that LOL and some do obsessive things like extreme diets and exercise routines that probably get them that way. not worth it to me. if thats what guys really want than they should expect to be lonely LOL.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

I was flipping the channels and I watched Ricky Martin perform. Then changed the channels and flipped back when it was ending and Tyra did her last walk. What a way to make real women feel inferior! The only one that had a real looking body type for her height was Tyra Banks. Like someone mentioned some of them are genetic freaks, but all of them have awesome make-up artists and hairstylists backstage (I think all of them had hair extensions so go figure), they all have personal trainers and most of them have personal chefs too and if that doesn't make you feel better, I can guarantee that even the youngins have had at least some outside medical help (via dermatologists or plastic surgeons.) They should have a Victor's secret store and an annual televised fashion show with hot male models parading in their boxers with their perfect chiseled faces, shiny full heads of hair, six packs, toned legs and buttocks, etc. I betcha the guys wouldn't like their women watching that huh?! :D
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

I didn't see the show but I'm irritated by VS in general. I get probably 3 catalogs a week from them so we always seem to have a new *cover girl* flouncing on the table or in the recyclable catalog pile. The bodies are unrealistic and unattainable for sure but what bothers me most is all the seam busting cleavage. I'd be willing to bet just about all of those models have been surgically enhanced, and they all look like they all shopped for silicone at the same place. With the bursting cleavage, suggestive leggy poses, and those excrutiatingly put on sexy expressions I feel like I have to through a towel over the catalogs when my 10 and 12 year old sons are around.
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

Everything has it's time and it's place, but it is not all on prime time television! It's inappropriate for children to be watching, and therefore should not be on at a time when they are likely to see it. Victoria's Secret made me so mad one year, when they had a "naughty" Santa advertisement during Christmas time. I remember being at the mall and seeing these huge pictures of Santa making an Oh my! face while this girl in her underware was sitting on his lap. Yuck! This is while all these children came to the mall to meet Santa, and there's this picture for them to see. YUCK!
RE: Anyone else irritated by the Victoria's Secret

For years I have thought that Victoria's Secret as well as other things push an unrealistic/unattainable body image. Sure, some people can look like that but MOST do not no matter how much one works at it!

I used to let it bother me but I don't anymore. Not worth it. It won't change so I just ignore it....

If I have a daughter one day I will do my best to teach her that the VS, etc. "look" is not the "norm" so she should NEVER compare herself to that or feel unattractive b/c she doesn't look like that.

Just my 2 cents!:)

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