Anyone Else Having Trouble with the Workout Blender?


Hello Everyone,
I received my pre-order of the Body Blast series last Wednesday, December 10th. When I went to use the Workout Blender on Step, Jum, and Pump it would not work. Each time I pushed "start" the screen would return to my blue screen as if it had no DVD in it and my DVD player would have T89 displayed on it.
So then I tried to use the Workout Blender on Step Blast because it is on the same DVD. It worked fine. Then I checked my other 3 DVDs to make sure they worked and they were fine also. I wanted to do the warm up, the weights, abs, and stretch on the Step,Jump,and Pump; so I decided to use the Mix and Match feature. But when I got to Barbell Tricep Extensions it did the same thing it had done when I tried to use the Workout Blender.
When I first opened the DVD, I did notice a scratch or something on it. I tried to clean it after having the problem with the Workout Blender. I used water, then soap and water, then Isopropyl Alcohol; but I still see the scatch or whatever it is. And it still won't work right.
Anyone else having a problem with the Workout Blender or is it just that the scatch or whatever it is is making it not work right?
I emailed support at Cathe and I hope I will hear something soon. Just wanted to share my pain.
And by the way, I love the Body Blast series. I did Step Blast Friday and the Pump parts of step,jump, and pump today. Wonderful.
Thanks for listening.
Mother of Six
Yes I have the exact same problem. My blender will not work on SJ&P, but works fine on all the others. Also, on the SB/SJ&P DVD, when I hit "Main Menu" it takes me to the Step Blast Mix and Match menu. I have a Sony. I emailed SNM about it and they said I needed a firmware upgrade. I am currently looking into seeing if I can download this upgrade through Sony's website, as I do not want to take my player in. I am so computer illiterate, however, that I haven't had much luck. Bummer, because SJ&P was the one workout I was excited to have the Blender for. Oh well.
I'm having a similar problem except I have a Panasonic. I have the "Main Menu" problem you have on SB/SJ&P and freezing on the card inserts on the premixes. I have emailed Panasonic, but as yet, they haven't responded.
But why would the Workout Blender work on the other DVDs and not on Step, Jump, and Pump? Is there something different about that one?
Just curious.
Mother of Six
Perhaps there is more info on that disc than on the others. Well, bad news, Sony just emailed me and I quote, "Regretfully, home audio and video components are not upgradeable by simply adding a few chips or external devices, like a PC. Electronic technology will change year after year as new technologies are discovered and developed." Oh well, I should just suck it up and learn how to program my DVD player.
Could someone post a list of DVD players that play all of the DVDs using the blender function. I have a sony multidisk player DVP NC600.

It does not work for:
Body Blast Volume 1 - all
Body Blast Volume 2 - Legs and Glutes

It does work on all of the rest. (Volume 3 and the Timesaver DVDs)
I also have the same Main Menu issue. It takes me to the Step Blast Mix and Match menu. When I hit Title Menu, it takes me to the Main Menu. I don't care about this, by the way.

That's the only problem I have that I'm aware of.

I have a Toshiba 5 disc programmable player.

Am I the only one that doesn't understand why some DVDs from the set work correctly and some don't? Seems to me, if it was the player, either all or none would work. Aren't they all made the same? I've never tried the blender (probably won't either) but I do know one of them doesn't return to the main menu on any of our DVD players, and all three are different players. I'm afraid we are discovering that while all these features are wonderful, they are just too complex. Has anyone been able to use 100% of the features on all the DVDs? Heck, has anyone even had the time to attempt to check out 100% of the features?

I tried the workout blender last night on SJP and it goes to the next disc in my multi-changer instead of playing the workout. I have a new SONY player per SNM's recommendation, just got it a couple of months ago. So I am a bit disappointed. I tried the blender on a couple of the other workouts and it seems to work ok.

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