Anyone else get mixed results from the X?


Hi all,

I am sure I am one of the few, but I am starting week 9 of the X and I am not thrilled with the results! I like the program, and I like Tony. I am doing the classic rotation.

I am definately seeing results, not sure I like them...this last week I feel very "big" and bloated- not sure if its me or the X. I also never had back issues, and now have some overhang from my bra strap in the back(sorry if TMI). Also, my abs are "puffy"- the waist of my jeans the other day was snug!!!I can't remember the last time that happened! I have not changed my eating except for adding protein powder to my oatmeal 3X a week- and only 1 TSBP at that.

I should also add that I am a size 2/4 when I started the X and I can do "boy" pushups and a few chin ups (still working on the pullups- doing negitives) I also lift pretty heavy.

Anybody else have this??? what I am doing wrong??? I am very frustrated.....

Are you premenstrual? I know that some experience water gain when they start lifting heavier, also the X does not have alot of cardio, and the way the program looked to me, if you were not really strict with your diet plan (or followed theirs) you could gain weight, I don't know.

I know there are alot of gals around here who swear by the X, hopefully they will respond!:)

I did the X Classic rotation in the beginning of 2007 and LOVED it. I DID add some cardio and leg work to it though.

When you are first starting out with any new weight work it is possible that your muscles will retain water at first causing a bloated feeling/look but you said you've been doing the X for 9 weeks and your pants are tighter?

When I did the X I only lost 1 pound but I definately leaned out. I lost inches and body fat and ended up smaller then I was prior to starting. That being said, everyone responds differently to each type of work out program.

Perhaps heavy lifting is not going to give you the results you want or maybe you just need to add in a bit more cardio. You say you didn't change your diet but how was it to start with? Do you eat clean? Are you drinking enough water? Drinking enough water is very important.

You are already in week 9. I would not throw in the towel now. Keep going. See what your final results are. Perhaps you are building muscle right now and once the X is over if you change up to a more cardio-heavy rotation with light weight/high rep weight work, you will lean out and the muscle gains will become apparent and your clothes will fit normal again. That's my best guess as to what's going on with you.

HTH some!:)
Hey Wendy, I totally agree w/ you!! :)

I would finish up your 90 day rotation. Just know that your eating makes a big difference. And definitely make sure you're drinking plenty of water if you're feeling bloated!

I know there have been times during my rotation that I felt more *puffy* and most of the time for me it is PMS-related. :eek: Or after a heavier lifting day.

Keep working those negatives for pullups too, that's what really gave me strength to do a lot more *real* ones! :)
Thanks guys for the encouragement!!:)I am eating clean (I did before the X), and I eat 5-6 meals a day. But I am not drinking as much water as I usually do, that could be it. I hope!!!:) I am 2 weeks away from TTOM, so I don't think it could be that. I also woke up this morning thinking maybe I need to add some more cardio...

I am enjoying the X, and do plan to finish.

Jess~ Its from one of your posts that I read about the negative pullups- I never would have thought to do that. I am hoping to do one regular pullup by the end of the rotation!

Thanks again:)

My results (weight and measurements) fluctuated throughout the X. I would say hang in there and trust in the program. In the end, I lost few lbs. but many inches and gained considerable strength. Even though at times I felt progress was stalled (or going backwards), it was well worth it in the end.

[font face="heather" font color=black size=+2]~Cathy[/font]

Misery has enough company. Dare to be happy. ~ VW ad
I would finish the rotation and see if it worked for you. I am one who was not at all happy with the results. I followed the program faithfully and lost definition and strength in my arms and legs and thought I looked puffier allover too. My back looked good however but that was about it. Before, I had been doing mostly Cathe, other freeweight work and my Bowflex for strength and was lifting heavy and doing a variety of strength training exercises as well as alot of cardio and so the puffiness had nothing to do with gaining my case I am sure I lost it in my arms and legs. If you are new to weight work, then you will likely gain some muscle in your arms and legs but if you have trained before, you will likely lose in your arms and legs unless you supplement with arm and leg training on your own. Also, good cardio is important to trim the layer of fat over muscles you already have and if you are taking a nosedive in intensity by using only P90x cardio than this could be a problem too. I would definitely swith up the aerobics in P90x to something more intense as this was also part of my bad experinece with P90x. You can read the thread on this site about STS vs P90x for others experineces with P90x.
>I would finish the rotation and see if it worked for you. I am
>one who was not at all happy with the results. I followed the
>program faithfully and lost definition and strength in my
>arms and legs and thought I looked puffier allover too. My
>back looked good however but that was about it. Before, I had
>been doing mostly Cathe, other freeweight work and my Bowflex
>for strength and was lifting heavy and doing a variety of
>strength training exercises as well as alot of cardio and so
>the puffiness had nothing to do with gaining my
>case I am sure I lost it in my arms and legs. If you are new
>to weight work, then you will likely gain some muscle in your
>arms and legs but if you have trained before, you will likely
>lose in your arms and legs unless you supplement with arm and
>leg training on your own. Also, good cardio is important to
>trim the layer of fat over muscles you already have and if you
>are taking a nosedive in intensity by using only P90x cardio
>than this could be a problem too. I would definitely swith up
>the aerobics in P90x to something more intense as this was
>also part of my bad experinece with P90x. You can read the
>thread on this site about STS vs P90x for others experineces
>with P90x.

I am sorry you were unhappy with the X but with all due respect, I don't think it's fair to make a blanket statement like "If you are new
to weight work, then you will likely gain some muscle in your
arms and legs but if you have trained before, you will likely
lose in your arms and legs unless you supplement with arm and
leg training on your own."

I for one gained muscle and strength like CRAZY in my arms w/the X and I worked out with weights for 4 years prior and 2 of those years were with Cathe.

ITA on the legs which is why I added leg work myself. The focus though, is obviously on upper body when it comes to the X so I understand why they did not put more difficult and/or additional leg work in the program. Actually, as much as I needed additional leg work to maintain my muscle/endurance there, I found Legs and Back challenging and usually always ended up with DOMS in my lower body from it. It just wasn't the calibur of leg training I was used to I guess.

As far as the cardio though, doing the X as is with out different or additional cardio has yielded great results for lots of folks. I added in one extra cardio session but it was still significantly less cardio then I was ever used to doing. To my surprise, I found out that, atleast in my case, less (cardio) is more when it comes to changing my body. :)
>My results (weight and measurements) fluctuated throughout the
>X. I would say hang in there and trust in the program. In the
>end, I lost few lbs. but many inches and gained considerable
>strength. Even though at times I felt progress was stalled (or
>going backwards), it was well worth it in the end.

Thank you so much!!! This is exactly how I feel. I eat right, I am enjoying the program, and I am not looking to lose weight- just inches! I do feel progress is stalled or going backwards! Its so nice to know I'm not the only one. I will stick with the program. I am going to increase my water intake this week, and if I don't see any difference, I will add a Imax, and take away Plyo X (which I really like)I am subbing for Kenpo X- usually with 4DS-KB/BC cardio or 4DS-KB/CTX kickbox.

I have been lifting for years with Cathe and I am not new to heavy weights/less cardio. Right before I started P90X, I did the 4DS rotation by Cathe and got great results. I actually really like the X as is. My body just doesn't seem to be co-operating!LOL

I really appreciate all the support:) :)
Thank you again!
I did the entire 90 days of the X, the classic rotation exactly as prescribed, and was not much impressed with my results. The shape of my body did not change much, although my strength did increase. As I'm happy with my strength being at a moderate level, and was mostly looking for an outward transformation, I was disappointed. I did not follow their eating plan to the letter but I did eat very well, generally within the guidelines. I gained 3 lbs. during the process, and lost it immediately afterward. My measurements hardly changed at all! So for me, personally, I did not think it was effective, I'm glad I tried it as there's so much buzz about it! But I would never do it again.
I too am in the category of "not impressed with results". I agree with previous posts about this not being a great workout for arms, legs or cardio. I lift hard and heavy and have found that I did lose arm strength and muscle with this workout and quit about 5-6 weeks into the program. The arm workouts are insufficient if you are at a certain level of strength training and require additional arm work to maintain that level of strength and muscle. You can't simply modify the workouts themself to make up for it. The back work is great and ab work OK. I wasn't too worried about cardio and leg strength as I am into competitive kickboxing and maintained my training on that end. If I had to rely on P90x for legs and cardio, I would have suffered on that end too.
I see where many users here supplement with other cardio and leg training. For me, I just don't see the attraction for this program as it is laid out.

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