Anyone else flying from Chicago?


Just wondering. :) If any of y'all are flying out of O'Hare on Friday, you wanna get together in Terminal 2 and do walking lunges between gates? You know, a little pre-RT warm-up? :D
I'm flying on American leaving at 11:00. I'm not sure what terminal that's in, but I'd be happy to meet for a little pre-RT warm-up.:)

I am flying out of Chicago on Friday. I think it is around 9am. I am not sure what terminal.
Hello!!! I will be changing planes at O'Hare on Friday, but my flight in doesn't get in until 11:35, then unfortunately I have a 1 hr. 55 min. wait until my flight leaves for Philly. Looks like you all may get there before me, lucky!!:7 If you will be there at that time it looks like I will have plenty of time to kill!:) See you all soon! Sandy
I just realized my flight is at 7 am and not 9 like I previously thought. I may have to take a nap when I get in, but I am sure I will be too excited to rest!!

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