I hope this is o.k. to do...here is the message that started the whole thread:
Last year, I did a rotation that Cathe had mentioned on her website that incorporated doing BootCamp 4x a week, with rest on alternate days (or a walk, light stretching). I remember doing BC on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, next week on Tuesday, Thursday, etc. I received AWESOME results with this rotation! I was only working out 4 times a week, but my cardio endurance increased tenfold, my strength increased and I felt so energized it was amazing.
I did Cardio & Weights today (completed it, so it was an accomplishment since I've been "starting back to it") and since I feel I now have the endurance and strength, I was thinking about doing the BootCamp rotation for 2-3 weeks, then switching gears. I know doing just one workout can be really repetitive, and that leads to boredom which leads to quitting the rotation, but BC contains so many differing movements that I didn't become bored with it, and the time flew by. And did I mention the results? I lost an inch and a half off of my waist, 1/2 inch off of each thigh, 3/4 inch off of my hips, GAINED 1/4 inch in my chest and lost 1/4 inch off of my arms but saw some definition that I hadn't before. It's a tough tape, and you can certainly make it tougher by increasing weights. It also has quite a bit of core work involved (that's my problem spot) and the definition I saw there was unbelievable. I keep an exercise journal, so I was able to look back and see what results I received and am thinking now is the time since my 20th (!!!) high school reunion is coming up in the next several months. I want to wear a sleeveless, cinched top (bandeau) dress that is very form fitting and I think this may be the way to go. It's not the only reason -- it's also to jumpstart my routine so I can do more than 1/2 hour daily. It just has SO much packed into one workout it's amazing. I really tend to ramble, I'm sorry!
Anyway, has anyone else done a short, Cathe BootCamp rotation with alternate off days and have seen some incredible results? I'd be curious - thanks!