Anybody from or recently been to Chicago?


Hey everyone! My sister-in-law and I are taking a fun, girls only, no-husbands-or-kids vacation to Chicago in July. I've never been there, but we're wondering what attractions are must see or so great we couldn't miss it. How about restaraunts, as well? We plan on spending a day shopping, and maybe seeing the Natural History Museum. We'll be there for 3 days. Any suggestions?
I just did the same weekend thing back in October. We really didn't have any plans. We just made sure that we were near the Magnificent Mile. We did lots of window shopping and hit the basics (Gap, American Girl, etc.). We just went into small restuarants that looked good for some meals. We also went to the basic HardRock Cafe and restaurants like those.

I have a friend who recently rented a flat and HIGHLY recommended this. I will be looking into this and renting with a group of ladies this fall again. Anyone else know anything about this?

Enjoy planning your trip!
I was born in Chicago, if tht matters.

A trip to the top of the Sears tower is fun as is a walk down the magnificent Mile - Michigan Avenue.

The last time my DH and I visited my parents, Chicago had built up part of the lakeshore and call it Millenium Park (
and installed an orchestra shell and a *HUGE* mirrored jellybean and a fabulous fountain you can run around in. It was great for people watching.

Susan L.G.

Edited to add:

It's called Crown Fountain and I've added a link (I hope it works):

I can't tell you how cool it is. Although water is always dropping, it cycles so that water squirts out the picutres mouth and then downpours from the top - *really* down pours.

I really enjoyed it because everyone can go in - watching the youngsters was a hoot as well as watching people in wheelchairs go in and drag their feet through the water on the ground.
You have to stay downtown near Michigan Ave and you will be able to walk to many restaurants and other attractions-or you can take the bus or a cab. You can go on Priceline and get a pretty good hotel deal. I recommend the Swissotel but it is pretty pricey and $43 a day to park at their hotel but you can park in a city ramp nearby. I recommend you go to Shedd Aquarium. It is on Lakeshore Drive not far from downtown. Have fun!!
We've stayed at the Palmer House with a deal we got on Priceline for around $69/night. That was a few years ago so it might be slightly higher. It's a beautiful hotel and close enough to walk to the Sears tower.


I'm not from Chicago- I'm a transplanted New Yorker currently living in South Bend IN, but I make it a point to get to Chicago whenever possible. Here are some suggestions:

Check out the Shedd Aquarium and the Field Museum. They're on the same campus, and the King Tut exhibit may be open already?
Great shopping along Michigan Ave and State St. Definitely try Water Tower Place and Northbridge.
When my husband and I go up there, we really enjoy Harry Carays. I've been told Charlie Trotter's is also a good restaurant.

Have a good time!

I always thought the Science and Industry Museul was more interesting than the Natural History Museums.

You think those babies in the glass boxes showing fetal development were real babies or fakes? Ha-ha - always good for a debate on the bus back to school. ANd the coal mine tour was cool, although it aways made my sister cry. Or maybe that was me. Oh Oh Oh and Colleen Moore's Fairy Castle!

Susan L.G.
I stayed at the Essex Hotel when I ran the Chicago Marathon in 2000, it's right next door to a Radisson Hotel(I think)and is right across from Grant(?)park. We took a cab from the airport(don't fly into Midway, so my husband says--he's from Chicago), and it cost about 30 bucks(these are 6 years ago prices). Hubby said don't bother with a car, it's too expensive to park and FINDING parking can be a bear also. The Essex isn't the Ritz Carlton, but it was clean and for a place to sleep was just fine. They have a van service where every 30 minutes(or so, they had a schedule)they will take you down to Miracle Mile and drop you off and all we did was tip the driver 5 bucks(each) and told them when you wanted to be picked up(we tipped them on the way back also). My girlfriend(hubby couldn't make the trip, he had to work)went to the Museum of Art and LOVED it, said it was HUGE, AND, it's not far from the Essex hotel. Since I was doing the race I didn't do a whole lot of sight seeing, but we did do the Sears tower, it's a bit of a wait, but pretty cool--she did the sightseeing since she wasn't a runner. We went to Mike Ditka's for dinner, very nice.
She liked Chicago so much she wanted to move there, a very hip, yuppy feel--she wanted to ride the "L"(the elevated train transportation system) to which I said NO--
fine if you know where you're going, but not for the tourist in my opinion, I would go with my husband if we visit Chicago again, only because he's built like a football player(and he's a sheriff's deputy).
Just for hotel info you should be able to go to the Chicago Marathon website and get info, the race isn't until October, but they should have info about different hotels. Oh, there's also Navy pier that's along the shoreline, didn't get there but it looked like a lot of fun.
Hope this helps!
Mary :)
Speaking of the "art" museum, I have to tell my funny story. (Sorry to hijack your thread but maybe it will give you a chuckle.) Anyway, a few years ago I was at a class in downtown Chicago that lasted a few days. After class, one of the people I had met from the Boston area asked me if I wanted to join him and a few others at the "yacht" museum. Hmmm...never heard of the yacht museum before. He said it a few times before I caught onto to the fact it was the art museum he was referring to! LOL I'm terrible with accents.


Absolutely Hilarious story!:) I'll be sure not to miss the "yacht" museum when I go! I'll probably be thinking of that story, too! Thanks for the laugh!
Hi, I have lived in Chicago (by sox park) all of my life. I highly recommend the Museuam of Science and Industry. (It is last building remaining from the 1893 columbian exposition.) The once falling apart, outdoor U-505 is now totally enclosed in its own wing of the museum. The submarine has been restored and the exhibit is informative and just fabulous. Colleen Moore's Castle, the coal mine and yesterday's main street are some more of the permanent exhibits at the museum. I remember these as a kid and its great to be able to go back and continue to visit them. Parking is around $8 (i think-i live close enough to walk there) for the day. Also, dont just visit the museum but walk around to the south and enjoy jackson park which is one of my favorite parks (and chicago has a lot of parks). There are ponds teeming with wildlife. Purple martin's, herons, eagles and falcons to name a few, call this park their home. Also the japanese garden is a block south and is our family favorite. It is very well maintained by the park service and always open to the public free of charge.
The Field Museum is downtown on the lakefront along with the Aquarium, and plaentarium. Also, good but the aquarium is very expensive if you want to see all the exhibits (everything is an extra charge). The Komodo Dragon exhibit is the newest addition to the aquarium.
The plentarium is a bit booring in my opinion.
THe Field Museum is also a favorite. It covers 4 fields. Anthropology, zoology, botany and geology. The King TUt exhibit is due here soon. I remember going to it as a kid in 1977 and I was fascinated. It was so crowded but it was worth it. I will never forget that exhibit. I recommend seeing it, but get tickets in advance.
I have stayed downtown in the palmer house. A beautiful hotel close to museums, shopping (m fields), and buses/trains to take you to water tower place for the ultimate shopping experience.
I hope this helps,SUzanne
I am an Illinoisan and I have the accent to prove it. Chicago is simply put the best big city in the US. Prettier, friendlier, and cheaper than NY (sorry, NYers!) but with so many great sights and restaurants! And you can not beat the lake in the summer. If you are coming with kids may I recommend Lincoln Park Zoo, which is free and realllllly pleasant on a nice day. I also would not miss walking along the lakefront and dropping in for a dip. Ohio street beach is my personal favorite although Oak street is more popular. A lot of people go up to the top of the Hancock building for the great view, but I recommend that you skip paying $10 per person for the elevator ride and go up to the Signature lounge on the 94th floor for a drink instead. You might want to catch a Cubs or Sox game (Cubs--> get tickets in advance). Have fun!
I lived there for 10 years.

One of the best tickets in town is Second City. It is where some of the original cast of Saturday Night Live got started. Some of the current cast, Tina Fey and Amy Pohler (along with a few others) also got started there. They run 2 shows per night on weekends, and one on weekends. Book you tickets early! It is first come seating, so try to get there early for the show. It is in a great part of downtown called "Old Town". If the theater is full that night and they offer you Second City ETC tickets, the show is also usually good there. It is a little piece of history right there in midtown Chicago and the tickets are very reasonable.

I agree about the Shedd. It rocks and I would not miss it. The mag mile is also fun.
Make sure you try a Chicago dog, and of course, PIZZA! My favorite is Gino's East, which is very famous. My second favorite is Lou Malinatti's for deep dish. Some of the other restaurants mentioned like Charlie Trotter's are very expensive, but fun. You may also want to call the Oprah show and see if they have tickets. They tend to book them in blocks and you may just get lucky - certainly worth the phone call. I have been a few times and it is a lot of fun whether you are an Oprah fan or not.
Have a great time. I loved living there and miss it very much.
i live in michigan and my girlfriend and i take a girls only trip every summer in august to chicago. last year we stayed the first night and stayed on michigan ave. - the magnficient mile. it was fun but a lot of it is really upscale for us and stuff closes kind of early (shops right on michigan). the second day we headed a bit north to the lincoln park area and LOVED it. by the water - cute (expensive) brownstone neighborhoods and a lot of unique shops and places to eat. we're planning on hitting it again this summer.

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