Anybody ever have an amnio??


I did not have one with my first 3 but due to my age now I'll be having one this time. It is set for 7/1. I am nervous about the pain and nervous about complications. My Dr. has done over 1,500 in his 11 years of practicing and has only had 1 miscarriage and that lady he said was already having bleeding and spotting weeks before the amnio. So I am very confident in his experience.

Does it hurt a lot. Funny thing is I have given birth 3 times so you would think I'm tough to pain but I'm such a wimp LOL!!!!

Did you have any complications??

How much time do you have to rest after and when were you able to get back to working out??

Of course I'll ask my Dr. those questions at my next visit in June but I would like to hear others experiences with this test.

I had an amnio with my daughter who was born last August 14. I had it because of my age (40 at the time). It didn't hurt too much and didn't last very long; it took about as long as a blood test. I hate blood tests and needles so even though it wasn't bad, it was yucky. I could feel the needle going through all the layers of my body! Anyway, the good thing was the length of time -- maybe a minute or less. Quite tolerable, and the nurse distracted me with the ultrasound video (she showed me where the needle was and I could see that it was very far away from the baby). Afterwards, I had to rest at the hospital (sitting in a reclining chair, drinking orange juice) for half an hour. I was not allowed to lift or carry anything, even my purse, for the rest of the day, so I had DH drive me home and I went to bed. The next day I felt completely normal and was allowed to resume my normal routine. I waited one additional day to work out, with my doctor's permission. I had no complications at all. It was not a big deal really, and I was able to relax for the rest of my pregnancy when I learned the sex of my baby and that she was completely normal.
I had one with Ryan because of my age (35). Like you, I was nervous and agonized over the decision, but it turned out to really be no big deal. I had some uncomfortable cramping when the needle was inserted (I hate needles, so I closed my eyes when the doctor came in to do the procedure -- my DH told me I was probably glad I didn't see the thing because it was big!), but it really did last not more than a minute, and then was done. I was told not to exert myself or lift anything for the first 48 hours, and I had no further effects at all. The doctor said I could get back to "normal activity" thereafter, but just to be extra safe I didn't workout for several more days. Overall, I thought I made a much bigger deal out of it than it turned out to be, and I was glad to have the piece of mind of knowing that the baby was basically OK.

Although, it was a GREAT excuse to lie on the couch for two whole days watching old movies and catnapping . . . ;)

Good luck to you -- you'll be fine, I'm sure!

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