Any thoughts on mercury in tuna, steel cut oats or egg yolks?


Tuna is such an easy protein to have on hand but I keep reading about the high levels of mercury and that pregnant woman shouldn't eat it more than twice? a month (which sure raises the red flag for me even though I am not pregnant). Given that, do you eat it Cathe and how often or have you just replaced it with other fish like wild salmon?

Also, do steel cut oats have more fiber than the large flake oats? I can't find any info on them. I noticed that the only difference between quick oats and large flake oats is the fiber content. Strange since I thought they were the same thing but just flattened out.

And here's a crazy question, do you just throw out the egg yolks you don't eat? Do you try and use them in something for the kids? I don't know why but I feel so badly throwing them out.

No answer for the oats (although I use the large flake myself) or the tuna ( I don't eat it much anyway) but in my eggs I put 1 whole egg since the yolk is very nutritious and then I buy the egg whites in the carton so I don't have to throw yolks out. It may be a little more expensive than buying whole eggs but if you throw out yolks you're really not saving. Just my 2 cents!
RE: Any thoughts on mercury in tuna, steel cut oats or ...

I'd consider eating the Wild Sockeye Salmon rather than the tuna. If you like the convenience of the canned, find that at your local Walmart. Then, you really don't have to worry about the mercury, BUT make sure it is PACIFIC salmon, NOT ATLANTIC!!

Sorry, can't help you on the oats....don't know!

Egg yolks....I just eat them, so can't help there either.
Can't help on the fish, I'm a vegetarian, but you can use the egg yolks as fertilizer, just don't overdo it in one spot. Steel cut oats are about the same nutritionally, usually take longer to cook and make a more thick "porridge" type consistency.
Steel Cut Oats are whole Oat kernels which have been thinly sliced by high speed steel blades. They have a somewhat chewier texture and heartier flavor than rolled oats. They are a little higher in protein and calories. Hope this helps

Supplement Facts

Serving Size: 1/3 cup dry (50 g)
Servings per container 18
Amount Per Serving %DV
Calories 200 Calories from fat 30
Total fat 3 g 5%
Total Carbohydrate 33 g 11%
Dietary Fiber 4 g 16%
Sugars 1 g
Protein 8 g

Calcium 2% Iron 15%
Magnesium 20% Zinc 15%
;-) :)
RE: Any thoughts on mercury in tuna, steel cut oats or ...

Steel cut and rolled oats are comparable to one another and smoke the instant oats. I eat a little tuna for convenience but prefer the wild sockeye salmon. I buy those small cans of tuna although they are more expensive. I eat it every now and again. My husband was eating it very frequently when he worked late and I think he was close to doing some damage when that light went off in my head and I tald him he could not eat it more than once a week. Avoid Bluefin tuna as they reproduce slowly and are highly depleted. I buy cage free, organic eggs and will eat the yolk of the omega-3 supplemented ones but overall don't like egg yokes and just eat whites and I throw them out. I used to toss leftovers and such over the wall into the desert but it's really bad to habituate the wildlife although the desert around my house has been completely decimated by recent development. I hate to toss them but I do. No one in my family likes them any better than I do except, perhaps my husband and not minus the whites. For my whole egg eaters, I buy the supplemented ones and I buy plain ones for the egg white eaters. Hope this helps!

Here's a link which may help you with your fish choices:

Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers
Do you have a dog? He might like the egg yolks.

Steel cut oats are closer to being a whole food, and your body uses a bit more energy to digest them, from what I've read. They also have a very pleasant texture and nuttiness, IMO. I like to cook up a triple batch (because they take a while to cook) and put two servings into their own bowls, while I eat one. The next day, I take one of the prepared bowls out of the fridge, chop up the now stuck-together oats, add some soymilk, and heat in the microwave. Then I put about 1 Tbsp of ground golden flaxseed on, with some real maple syrup (not that "maple flavored" syrup crap that is in most stores).
I love steel cut oats! The regular and instant oats take like sawdust to me. I love the texture of steel cut. I usually cook them in the morning, but if you're pressed for time and you have a crockpot you can prepare them the night before and let them cook in the crockpot overnight.

Regarding the tuna issue. I only buy the light tuna, not the white or solid albacore. The light tuna has more omega three fatty acids in it and a lot less mercury. One of the few examples where white meat isn't always better for you!
Everyone has given you some good feedback here. I don't eat tuna ever anymore. I am mostly a vegetarian too, but if I eat fish, it's wild-caught salmon.

I eat whole eggs. If I didn't, I'd feed the egg yolks to my dog, or freeze them in ice cube trays and pop them into pancakes or other quick breads.

I think the thick rolled oats and steel cut are nutritionally comparable, so I just eat both for variety and texture.
Did you know that in food stores you can buy just egg whites? Usually located in the same aisle as where you buy eggs. Comes in a small carton like that of a milk carton? This way there is no waste.:7
RE: Any thoughts on mercury in tuna, steel cut oats or ...


I am so impressed that you mentioned Bluefin tuna specifically and posted the Fish List website! I run a website: and we are big fans of the Fish List and Blue Ocean Institute for their "Sea Ethic" -- we all need to be aware that many fish stocks are being depleted to non-restorable levels.

That said, another favorite site is a Washington DC based marine conservation org who are now actively raising awareness about the mercury issue: They have a lot of important information about mercury contamination and its sources.

Also, if you're concerned about your mercury levels, or consume a lot of tuna - it may be a good idea to have your levels checked by your doctor. It's a very serious issue.

RE: Any thoughts on mercury in tuna, steel cut oats or ...

Joni, thanks for the links. Your wesite is magnificent!

Like Mogambo, I am about 90% vegetarian/organic. When I went full vegetarian, my weight dropped rather precariously so I added back a bit of animal protein. But I try to consume respectfully. For my carnivores, I have searched out grass fed, naturally raised, free range beef and cage free chicken, eggs and milk. The FDA requires that all beef, even the beef raised by small organic farms, be slaughtered in their approved slaughter houses and it ends up being the lesser of two evils but that's where changing legislature comes into play. Websites such as yours are a wonderful resource and e-mailing companies to find out their methods goes along way toward making the world a better place for wildlife and domestic animals alike. Did you know that chickens and turkeys aren't connsidered animals and are therefore not covered under humane slaughter laws? We can all take action to change it.

This earth does not belong to hamankind and I for one would like to see some ecological conservatism before we decimate the planet.

Is it 2008 yet? :)

Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers

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