Any success in dealing with knee tendonitis?

I have a little bit of tendonitis in my right knee. It hurts going down stairs, doing low lunges, one-legged squats and deadlifts, and after a high-impact workout.

I've cut back on the high-impact stuff and only do step once a week. And I just don't go as low on the lunges. I LOVE step and miss it terribly, so when I do it, I use a 4-inch step for higher-impact step (although I go higher for low-impact step and just deal with the pain).

I've read that more assiduous stretching of the hamstrings and quads is helpful.

I'm interested to hear if anyone has been successful in eradicating this kind of knee tendonitis. What did you do?

I'd love to hear suggestions and input on this too. I have the same problem. I can't go very heavy for lower body work anymore--my knees just ACHE afterwards. And my knees always hurt when I go down stairs. I've modified my workouts the same way you have. I try to stretch my quads, hipflexors and hamstrings extra too.

I also take a daily prescription anti-inflammatory. It's helping a lot.

Um, yeah it sucks. I've been thru 2 knee surgeries and a fractured patella. The tendonitis came after the fracture. Ice, Ice, Ice baby. Easy on the jumping - its the up not the down that aggravated mine. Squats and lunges weren't so bad, as long as there was no power to them. I ended up in PT and thru stretching and exercise and some medication delivered thru electrode to my tendon it eventually cleared up. Basically had to cut out the jumping, the twisty torque-y moves, and ice. It just takes time. I was at the point where it hurt to walk, so here's hoping your's clears up sooner!!!

Has anyone tried acupuncture and Chinese herbs for knee problems? I am an acupuncturist and treat quite a bit of knee problems...tendonitis, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. I use electro-acupuncture and Chinese herbal formulas made specifically for acute or chronic knee pain. My patients do get well and are able to resume more activity with care and maintenance treatments. Edie
Not sure about knee tendonitis, but I had ankle tendonitis. I went to physical therapy for about 6-8 weeks for treatment and it helped immensely.
Pitching in to agree that tendonitis definitely requires time off and loads of ice and anti inflammatories.

Haven't had it in the knee for 20+ years, but was right in the middle of a sports season when it hit me and so couldn't treat as I should have.

Now if I get mild signs I back off for a few weeks and try to figure out other workouts to "tide" me over while I heal.

Have never tried the acupuncture myself, nor cortisone shots, but have known others who have gotten good results from both.

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