Any recommendations on which to buy? Mesocycle 1, 2, 3? Here's my goal/profile


New Member
Not sure which one to purchase..... Thinking 1 or 2. My goal is to lose the last 20 pounds.

Age 38
Workout 5-6 times a week
Also incorporate running 5-6 times a week.

Thanks for any insight or recommendations. Really want to get past this plateau that I've been on and would like to get really defined (although I know it also has to do with dieting).
all of them... :)
Really. I know money migth be tigth now... I live in Mexico and with the financial situation it cost me the double to buy It, but is worth it.. now Im forcing myself to do at least the 6 months rotations so I can gain what I paid.. by belive me... it will be no obligation to do it.. you will really look fordward to do so.
I'm no expert by any means. But if i was you and this is just my opinion, I would start at the top or @ mesco-cycle one and work my way down. Reason why: You are buliding a foundation with meso-cycle 1. But this is just my opinion...
I also suggest that you do all three meso-cycles. I believe that all three will aid you in accomplishing your stated goal.
My favorite are the plyo legs from mesocycle 3. They are an awesome combination of cardio and leg work-outs. I must admit I have not done the cycles in order, I just pick and choose. I am also not a big weight lifter as I tend to bulk up on top, so I never use as much weight as Cathe. That being said I have noticed a marked improvement in my overall endurance and have lost 2 pounds by doing plyo legs 2-3x a week. I use it as my cardio workout , plus get the added benefit of tighter lower body. For loosing weight and toning up it is definately my favorite cycle. Just my opinion.
I would also recommend all three Cycles. If money is tight, I would suggest you buy Cycle 1 and do it 2 times through. Many of us are doing a 6 month rotation vs. the 3 month rotation. So I am doing Meso 1 for a total of 2 months, and then I will move on to Meso 2 for two months and then continue on to Meso 3. This may give you time to build up your funds to afford the additional purchases. It may cost you a little extra in the long run, but it is so worth it. Good luck on your decision!

Once you finsh Meso #1, you will really want 2 and 3. If you can't get all 3 at once, maybe as the poster stated get #1 and save for 3 and 4 in the mean time.
Not sure which one to purchase..... Thinking 1 or 2. My goal is to lose the last 20 pounds.

Age 38
Workout 5-6 times a week
Also incorporate running 5-6 times a week.

Thanks for any insight or recommendations. Really want to get past this plateau that I've been on and would like to get really defined (although I know it also has to do with dieting).

Personally, I would go with Meso 1 (the endurance). It has taken me out of plateau.

And in the future, as you can afford it, I would just buy them in order.

I hope this helps!

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