Any pregnant to be's??


Just wondering if anyone on this board is getting ready to "start trying"???

My hubby and I are going to start trying to get pregnant in April/May. I have a 2 year old that will be 3 in April and am getting so excited to bring this next little bundle of love into the world :)

I'm just now starting to really prepare mentally and physically. I am trying to lose as much weight as possible as I can before this one and be in as good as shape as my fat bod will let me:) I gained about 40 lbs with the last one and had a heck of a time losing it. I was on bedrest at the end of my preganancy and put most of it on then.

Just wanting to see if anyone else is in the same boat as me and still in the "thinking/preparing" stages?

-LuvCardio If Only I Can Be 1/2 the Woman my Dog Thinks I am!
Hi LuvCardio,
I am here and have been trying to conceive for about 3 months. I have six children already. Yes six. And we would love a seventh. My two oldest are girls(18 and 14) and they would love a little sister. They have 4 younger brothers (11,8,5,and 2).
I am hoping to not have my period start this Friday. If it does, I guess we will be trying again next month. I am sure my hubby won't mind. But I think he worries about me wanting to be pregnant and not getting pregnant. For my mental sanity, if you know what I mean. My 2 year old will be 3 in July and he just doesn't seem like a baby to me anymore. He is such a mature little boy.
Good idea to get yourself ready both mentally and physically. Pregnancy can put lots of stress on both your mind and body. It is such an exciting time in your life. To have a human being growing and living inside your body. How awesome!
I usually end up at about 175-180lb with all of my pregnancies. Doesn't seem to matter what weight I am when I get pregnant. I have started at both 130 and 155lb and still get to 175 to 180 by the end.
I have never kept exercising through pregnancy, except for walking. So working out with Cathe tapes will be something new for me. I can't wait.
Well, keep us updated on the Trying to Conceive.
God Bless,
ps. Just love this---LuvCardio If Only I Can Be 1/2 the Woman my Dog Thinks I am!
Hi guys!

I haven't visited this section of the forum in a little boy is celebrating his one year birthday this month. It all goes by so fast! I'm savoring every single minute with him!

I loved seeing this post as I too, am really ready to have another baby! I admit to being a little scared though. I can vaguely recall those first, sleepless, stressful, crazy months with an infant and CANNOT for the life of me imagine doing that again WHILE keeping up with son.

I'm thinking that it's going to be difficult no matter when I do it, but my husband thinks a little more time would make it easier. Can anyone out there share their wonderful insight? Also, my husband is concerned about having two in daycare...even though we'd be able to manage it, the expense is truly staggering.

Seven children? I tip my hat!!!! How DO you do it?
My son is only 9 months old and I'm "thinking" about being pregnant again. My husband and I have talked about trying again this summer, so when the second baby is born my son will be two years old.
Summer may seem like a long way off (especially here in New England!), but I definately feel like I'm starting to prepare emotionally and physically. I'm still trying to lose those last few baby pounds - I want to be in good shape when I (hopefully) get pregnant again.
The thought of getting pregnant again, and having a newborn, is a little scary - but at least I have some idea of what to expect now.
We'll see! :)
I went off pill in Oct. and just really started trying this month. I am taking my temp each day and just bought one of those ovulation kits.
Sounds like you're on the same 'schedule' as us - dh and I want to start trying this's very exciting and scary at the same time! She/he would be our first. I'm doing all sorts of reading up and just got dh started on vitamins so he's good to go!

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