Any others from Colorado here?

You're not too far away! I'll be heading through there on my way to Glenwood Springs next week...DH and I are celebrating our 11 year anniversary and our daughter will be staying with his parents in Lakewood which is right on the way for us :)
Not from CO, but just got back from vacationing there. Beatiful State! Loved the weather, but not the lack of oxygen! I was humbled just by walking up stairs.

Boy Karin,

We must pass each other up if you work in Aurora and when I'm on my way to Lafayette! :)

I'm from Colorado Springs ...! Last year, a bunch of us tried to get together, but it kinda fizzled. I'd always be game to meet fellow Cathe-ites in person!

Boohoohoo, I'm homesick now, lol. ;-)

We live in NJ but both DH and I are from Trinidad (yeah, blink and you miss our 3 exits off I25.) :eek: We have family in Pueblo, Aguilar, Denver, and CO Springs. We miss family, the beautiful weather and the scenic beauty the most.

Kathy G
Kathy, I always used to stop in Trinidad when visiting my parents because it was halfway between our house (north of Denver) and my parents' house in NM. Plus it has the Burger King playland so my daughter could run off some energy before the next 4 hour segment of the drive!

Dayna, I think it would be fun to meet other Cathe-ites, even though I'm a relatively new Cathe-ite ;-)
KathyG, you and I are complete opposites :). I was born and raised in NJ and live in CO now. I have actually been to Trinidad because my friend's parents live there. When I first met her she kept telling me her parents lived in Trinidad and I always thought she meant the country :7.

>Boy Karin,
>We must pass each other up if you work in Aurora and when I'm
>on my way to Lafayette! :)

Jennifer, yes we must. Wow, Castle Rock to Lafayette is quite a drive!!! Do you have to do that everyday?

YAY!! There's all sorts of folks from Colorado! And all within relatively close proximity, too! Nice to 'meet' you all :)
I do it on Tuesdays and every other Saturday. I'm a nurse and manage an allergy clinic over at the Exempla Hospital clinics...I don't mind because I LOVE being in Colorado again!

Okay, I'm not from Colorado, but I'm in Cheyenne, JUST north of the Colorado border in Wyoming. :) We go to Ft. Collins about once or twice a month - DH grew up down there - and we were just in Golden on Saturday (I get my hair cut there). So if you all ever have a GTG I'd love to come along if you'll have me. I'm really from Los Angeles, but have been transplanted.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

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