Any othe "AMAZONS" out there?

RE: Any othe

Oftentimes they don't mean to be rude. How many TALL women do you see out there? Sometimes if they ask stupid questions like How's the weather up there?? I reply back, How's the weather down there?? Sometimes they'd make a real stupid comments and won't quit it, I'd respond right back. This one really cracks others up if I respond to the person's stupid remarks, "Did you just come back from the midget festival?? Were the rides the same size as the kiddies or smaller??" That'll SHUT THEM UP QUICKLY! }( Mostly because they're embarassed by people really laughing. I can be EXTREMELY sarcastic at times!! ;)

Lisa :p
RE: Any othe

I like those Lisa! I once had someone suggest that when someone gave me the good ol' "You must play basketball" that I respond "you MUST play mini golf!" ha ha ha! :)

I once was very uncomfortable with my height (as a kid, and esp. when I was overweight) and I guess that is why I see these comments as negative. I love it now - even wear 3 or 4 inch heals on top of my 6 feet every day to work!
RE: Any othe

I wish I were taller. I am only just over 5' 3"...would LOVE to be about 5' 6" to be honest.

I work with a woman who is also on the short side...we were discussing weight once and she said something that has stuck with me...she said "I don't need to lose weight, I just need to grow taller!" LOL

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
RE: Any othe

I'm 5 '8'' which is considered tall in Australia (Most TRUE born and bred Australian woman are a beautiful 5' 3'' and under. )

My 19 year old son being Dutch is 6'4'' and still growing! He's a straight up and down guy with hardly any muscle definition (as hard as he trys at the gym) and is NO WAY interested in Basketball although they always asked him to join the School Basketball Team.

I would looooooooove to be maybe I could carry my weight better Lol!


You have to stay in shape. My Grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
RE: Any othe

I am 5'11 and get comments all the time. Mostly in business like the other poster said. Usually it is people that have a low opinion of themselves, so they say something to try and make me feel bad. But I dont. I wear heels, suits, and my hair pulled up. People assume I make a lot of money because I am tall (I dont do too bad).

I hold my head up high and put on the attitude that I am a successful, classy, well paid business woman. People always gravitate towards me. I like being tall.

RE: Any othe

I'm a nurse & have to weigh & measure people ALL the time. By no means feel like anyone labels you Amazon. You'd definitely be taller than 13 nurses on our unit. But girl, if you had any clue, we'd all be lusting after your height.

( just 5'4)
RE: Any othe

I'm around 5'10 1/2" and I'm the short kid in my family. I love being tall and always have; I wouldn't mind being a bit taller, actually. I don't get too many "gosh, you are tall" or "do you play basketball" comments. The only size reference I dislike is if someone calls be "big". That one bothers me for some reason. I have to admit that I've occaisonally used my height to annoy people. For example, in a theater if the person sitting behind me keeps kicking my seat or crinkling plastic wrap again and again, I'll sit as tall as I can to obstruct their view. (I admit to sometimes having the maturity level of a twelve year old). For the most part, I've always viewed my height as an asset.

RE: Any othe

Oooooh, I really dislike being called big! I can deal with the rest of it. I'm just "short" of 6' and have always liked being tall. DH is about an inch shorter. Both of my daughters are very tall for their age, so I always pump that up, "It's GREAT being tall because...!" I think I can carry more weight than a shorter person without people noticing. Actually, I have a few pounds to lose around the middle, but I'm thinking I'll probably have to lose 10 just for it to show!
What about the rest of us?

Alright already what about us tweeners, those of us 5'5" to 5'7" 1/2 or so. Where do we fit in?!?:) I am 5'7" and happy with my height and if I want to be taller I can wear heels and jump into the Amazon category for a short period of time.:+ My dh is 5'11" and the first thing my mom said when she met him was "wow he is taller and has hair".LOL!! You can tell I was dating mostly bald short men before I met my dh!!:eek: :D :7

Just thought I would plug the tweeners since the really short and really tall seem to be getting all the attention!!!}(
RE: What about the rest of us?

I'm 5'8" and I love being tall. I can buy a pair of pants off the rack and not have to think about it. My sister is 5'4" and has to hem all her pants. Not only a pain, but expensive too.
RE: What about the rest of us?

I guess I'm a "tweener" too! I'm 5'7".

Question for those of you who are not happy that your DH is a bit shorter... why does this bother you? My DH is about an inch shorter than I am. I've never understood why men are supposed to be the taller one. It's never affected us in any way! :)
RE: Any othe

Okay Lisa, don't rub it in. "We" rarely have the opportunity to "look down on people."

RE: Any othe

Am I the only "Amazon" out here who feels that my height is an inconvenience? I am 5'10" with a 35" inseam and a size 11 shoe. Shopping is not fun; sitting in airplanes, movies theaters, amusement park rides etc. is uncomfortable; and sometimes people just make me want to scream.

I am tired of standing above the crowd - I would love to be shorter.

Believe me it is not a self esteem/body image issue. I am 46 years old, in excellent shape (thanks Miss Cathe :7 )and wear size 6 jeans.
I have had a great career including being VP of a bank, editor of a weekly newspaper and now I am a certified personal trainer. And my amazing husband of 24 years and 5 months is 2 inches shorter than me.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Debbie Russo

ps an added plus if I were shorter - pikes on the ball would be easier x(
RE: Any othe

>Am I the only "Amazon" out here who feels that my height is
>an inconvenience? I am 5'10" with a 35" inseam and a size 11
>shoe. Shopping is not fun; sitting in airplanes, movies
>theaters, amusement park rides etc. is uncomfortable; and
>sometimes people just make me want to scream.

Oh, I hear you on these things, Debbie! I don't really go to the movies anymore b/c BF has a home theater that matches the theater! But when I go (rarely), I am so uncomfortable. Plus, there is something to be said for popping in a DVD, settling on the couch and snuggling with the puppies ;)

I have found a lot of very good places to buy clothes. Shoes are an issue though, unless you want to lok like you have canoes on your feet - ugly ones. I have to say that it TOTALLY annoys me when a store carries everything they make in petite, but only "certain items" in tall (ie New York & Co.).
RE: Any othe

Don't start me on the shoe thing. I love how the stores display the new styles in size 5 and the shoe looks so cute. If I am lucky enough to find the style in an 11 they look like boat pontoons. What's up with these pointy toed flats. The point adds and extra 4" to the length of my feet. Not at all attractive!

I know there are a lot of manufacturers who carry tall sizes but they always seem to be the expensive ones like J Jill. Wouldn't it be nice if Target actually had some long exercise wear. Ah well we (and our wallets) can always dream.

RE: Any othe

>Wouldn't it be nice if Target actually had some long exercise
>wear. Ah well we (and our wallets) can always dream.
Exercise wear is definitely an issue! I startd buying the yoga pants from Victoria's. They are great! One caution. You need to buy them in one size smaller. Otherwise, after your warm up, they will fall off! Picture that one at the gym ;)
RE: Any othe

No offense, but I HATE the reference "Amazon."

Oooh, Christine! My heart breaks! :+

When I was a kid, I was always called things like "Amazon" and "Frog Legs" but nowadays I'm short in comparison to all the other tall and lovely ladies out there. (I'm 5'8")

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