Hi Aqua,
There really isn't anything strange, you're just incorrectly assuming that we're following the same schedule as last year - which we're not. We also don't usually start our updates until filming begins as things can change between now and then and we like to be accurate in what we say. As I mentioned previously, "when we film" has very little to do with when a DVD will be ready. Instead how busy independent contractors we use are with other projects and how continuous they can work on our project really determines when the DVDs will be ready. This year we're doing almost everything in-house and this changes the dynamic of how quickly editing and authoring can be completed. Though it's way too early to say for sure, as of now we're still on tract for a late fall early winter release date as we advertised.
Cathe has been working on Fit Split for many weeks now and work continues 7 days a week. Once filming begins we will certainly provide all kinds of updates, pictures and eventually video clips.