Any ideas? (VERY long!)


I am feeling a bit down and was wondering if you could let me know your thoughts? I have been thrilled for the past three months or so as suddenly my weight dropped about 7 pounds and stayed there consistantly. I probably weigh every 4-5 days just to keep a check on it. I was exercising back at my normal intensity/impact finally due to full recovery from my knee injury. I figured the weight loss was due to coming back strong and kind of a shock to my body since I had to cut back for about a year due to the injury. Needless to say, I was happy because they were definitely pounds I needed to drop. Anyway, I am fairly certain I JUST went into full-fledged menopause because I haven't had a period in 70ish days. Also have woke up a few times feeling a bit warm & clammy. Just the past week, after three months of feeling leaner/toned and much tighter, I have been feeling very puffy, swollen and mushy! My stomach even did a drastic change in that it looks very loose and cellulity. (SP?) This seemed to happen in a week's time! I got on the scale and am back up the 7 pounds I lost. If anything, I am eating better then I ever have so I don't think it is my diet. Can memopause actually cause one to change practically overnight??? I was a bit depressed last night talking to my hubby about it and he said, "I noticed that this week on you especially your stomach and I know how hard you are working out." He meant the statement in a very nice and caring way because he SAW what I was feeling. Anyway, just knowing he noticed has made it that much more depressing today for me and I have tried to hold back the tears several times today just thinking of what he said. He would NEVER, EVER hurt me by saying something negative. I am not really down about what he said, but because of what has happened. Am I being unrealistic that my body isn't going to change during this time of my life? I am 52 & 1/2 and I KNOW it gets harder but gosh, after cleaning up my diet, getting the Hardcore's which I love, is it possible for me to reverse what has happened? Sorry to vent but I have no other person to confide in beside my DH! He is my best cheerleader, honest! Thanks for any thoughts/tips! You guys are the best!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Oh Debbie, I love you and want to give you a big hug! I don’t know much about menopause, but I do know that hormones can be strange wicked things. I suppose that it’s not impossible that something like this could happen rather quickly. On the bright side, maybe it will go away just as quickly! I am sure many more educated posters will give you great advice. Hang in there!
Please don't get discouraged. It's probably water weight and bloating. I'm 45 and in perimeniopause. My periods are getting irregular and I have insomnia. I have had endometriosis my entire life and always have had major bloating with my periods. I can easily gain 5 lbs from one day to the next of water weight. Just yesterday, I was 3 pounds heavier than today and I know I was retaining water. I think menopause makes your hormones go bezerk and at certain times of the month (for sure midcycle), I know you can bloat and retain water and maybe even spot. We are all affected differently and God knows our hormones can depress the heck out of us. Keep up the good, hard work, eat clean and don't be too hard on yourself. Soak in the tub and give yourself a facial and don't let it get you down. I'm sure it's just hormones messing with you. You can't gain 7 pounds in 1 week. I weigh myself weekly to keep an eye on things. I'm not one to live without a scale. I have a certain weight I don't like to go over and if I see the scale head that way, I try to watch my starches a bit more and really watch portion sizes, etc. Hang in there and don't be so hard on yourself!! I look pregnant after I eat and the next morning, my tummy is flat. Food bloats you, especially if you eat healthy foods.
I think it could be stress, maybe from the way your move ended up. Hormones do play a huge role but the body does adapt. You will figure it out. I started menopause quite a few years ago and am just starting to have those nights where I don't wake up sweaty. I know what you are feeling. Just look for those things that make you feel good and relax. I know your husband meant well. Mine pretty much knows when it is not a good time to talk. You know those 7 lbs in that short amount of time are not fat, probably fluid retention. You may even have added something to your diet recently that has caused this without you being aware. Anytime I gain almost overnight I really look at what I am eating and up the cardio a little. It soon takes care of itself;-) Take care. We love you "den mother"!!
Diane Sue
Mama Debbie,

I'm so sorry you're having a crappy time. I'm not part of the really educated crowd, but I'd say maybe give it a week and if nothing has changed, make an appointment with your Dr. or GYN to check out everything. Just brain-storming, but maybe your parts of your body are still in that TOTM cycle and just the bleeding has stopped. Maybe?

I don't know but I think Menopause takes longer to take effect. Also if your hormones are changing the rest of your body might not know what the heck is going on. I'm sure how you're looking and feeling (AND the 7 lbs)is not a permanent thing. They will go away when everything gets straightened out!

I wish I could wave a wand and make you feel better! 'Cause remember "If Mama ain't happy, Ain't nobody Happy!" -not for the implied reasons but because hearing you're sad makes US sad! :(

Please feel better. We love you! {{{{HUGS}}}}


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
Thanks you guys! I KNEW I could count on you to make me settle down a bit. I am hoping it IS just temporary and I KNOW that hormones can be very WICKED Gina!:7 I'll try not to panic for now and hope all will be well soon. Diane Sue, funny thing...right after I posted I thought to myself, I wonder if the stress of moving is adding to my problem. It was a VERY stressful week last week but this week I am much calmer. The buyers are giving us til the end of April to move out rather then the two weeks that was the original plan. We asked them if we could pay THEM to let us live here an extra couple weeks til our place is done and not have to make two moves and they accepted! See, I SHOULD be counting my blessings, eh? Thanks all three of you for helping me not to panic TOO much yet. I truly appreciate it!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Thanks Nadine! This Mama sure doesn't want to let you all down. I'll shape up here real quick! ;-) I will definitely keep a watch to see if it changes and if not, I will make an appoinment. Just had one a month ago and everything was fine at THAT time. They even mentioned I was down in my weight from last year. :) Thank you for your kind words. I DO feel better already thanks to you all!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Oh Deb - I have to run out to some friend's for dinner and just saw your post. I can really relate and will post tomorrow on this. I will say now though that I saw your pictures recently and you are a beautiful woman. We do experience changes in our bodies as we age. It is natural. Please don't get down on yourself. Please appreciate the wonderful and beautiful woman that you are. I'll post more tomorrow about the changes I've experienced. Have a wonderful evening and please do something to cheer yourself up.

It makes me sad to see you sad. Where is a stinkin cyber doo-hickie diddy when you need one...or a private jet to get to you with a hug?!

I have to say Deb, that it feels good to comfort YOU for once.

I have to second the whole stress=hormone connection. Sure, 70+ days without a period certainly would cause some sort of imbalance don't ya think??? Wish I knew exactly what to say to you my dear friend, but I don't know anything else to say except this:


Deb D.:)
You could never let us isn't in you. Plus, we would never put that kind of expectation on you. I love you because you are so GOOD. So KIND. So REAL, and want so much for the rest of us to be well too. Thank you Deb for always caring for us here. Deb D.:)
I second all the emotions regarding our beloved DebbieH. IMHO, what you're experiencing in terms of the bloaty feeling is just temporary. If you're exercising up to your capabilities frequency-, duration- and intensity-wise and if you're eating a good, healthy whole foods diet you can't help but maintain a good physique and healthy body fat stores.

And Deb, as a fellow fitness professional, you know that the scale can tell you many things, not all of them meaningful. An uptick in scale weight can often mean temporary water retention, as you well know.

You have a sister here - I entered perimenopause a few months ago, with the attendant now-variable ETAs of Aunt Flo, PRE- and POST-menstrual syndrome, and NOW (drum roll) night sweats. Pain in the gazool, I'll tell ya.

Just as an aside - it may be time for you to introduce some of A-Jock's Premium INTENSE Mish-Moshes into your scheme - I'll bet you've been ready for them for years. May be a timely jolt to your program.

Hugs -

Hello Dear Friend,

Even when you get to full-fledged menopause and after, it will not be the end of the world and you will not be doomed to be fat. You have so much going on at the moment that just as the others have said, it is more than likely fluid gain and not fat. Stress can make us retain water as well. While our bodies do change, the metabolism slows down, it is easier to gain weight, we know much more about how to reverse these things nowadays.

So do not worry dear one. You have many friends here who know what it takes to get those 7 pounds off.

We love you. :)
Wow, you guys are wonderful! Thanks sooo much! I will try not to be too hard on myself at this point and just keep, keepin' on. I know that the scale doesn't always tell the truth but there is a definite body change here. The thing that shocks me so much is how fast it happened. I am off classes for two weeks so I plan to hit Hardcore good & strong! AJ, I just may have to look up one of your goodie-mish-moshes to kill myself with! :7 Thank you all. You guys have made me feel sooo good tonight! Mar, thanks for getting back to me later. I will appreciate what you have to share. Okay, kids, did you all brush your teeth? It's bedtime. Nighty, night!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Deb....I am sorry for the crappy feeling. I am not quite to menopause yet. I do know how things go after an injury though. I still kept my weight on that I had gained while injured. You know the story with took P90X and a drastic diet change to help. I do have times of a bloatedness though.I can only say the scale is not the best indication. You have alot of stuff gong on plus this. Try your best to give it some time and I know Hardcore will help. You are just the most caring person I have met here. Please...vent anytime you need to...we will be here for you...DEN Mother!!!...:)...Carole
Hi Debbie,

(((( Hugs)))) Well I was going to post something to hopefully help you feel better but it sounds like you are already there. :)

It is true tho how much stress, hormones affect our bodies! Especially that stress!! That's gotta be the worse. I believe in the saying "this too shall pass" and for you, I know it will. You will lose those 7 again and maybe a few more to boot! (Especially if you are hitting those HC)

Well, it is late and I need to go to bed, I just wanted to give you a cyber hug and tell ya it 'everything will be alright'. :)

Happy Resurection Day! :)
Hi, lovely Debbie! I agree that hormones can wreak havoc but with your diet and exercise, physically you should remain much the same. You are maintaning your muscle mass and physical endurance and it's the loss of muscle mass and inactivity which are largely responsible for the dreaded middle aged spread. We aren't having any of that around here! I agree that you may be feeling stressed and stress is one bad dude. How dare menopause kick in now, at the worst time? Are you doing any sort of hormone therapy or herbal remedies for symptoms? I intend to do some natural horomone therapy when the time comes. I am sure you can get some great advice regarding what's what around here and I'd be more than happy to research it for you. In the meantime, relax and take a deep breathe for, yes, this too shall pass, and you are in excellent shape and will remain so! Hormones are ornery buggers. I am 10 days into my cycle and already beginning to experience breast tenderness, which is new to me in the past few years, and takes up as many of 20 days. At least The P is regular again and longer apart. Those closer together ones are the pits! I am pre-peri myself at 42 and have to wonder how much more fun I will experience until I got to full blown menopause. My body seems very confused about it lately.

You, with your wonderful heart and beautiful self, are going to do this with all the grace you have always shown. The beginnings of change are always the most difficult to adapt to and you have had alot going on. Do something nice for yourself and know it's temporary and it will fall into balance.

Much love and big hugs!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? - Mary Oliver

Teresa, Bobbi & Carole (& everyone who posted)~Thanks so much for your thoughts and especially the hugs! They mean so much. I will hang in there and cope as well as possible. I am taking this moving stress day-by-day packing as much as I can without killing myself. I am happy for the extra time we have now so I can sort thru and de-clutter at the same time so it seems to be taking me forever. I am spending waaaay too much time reading old cards, looking at pix, skimming over letters from both of my sisters and so forth. Then, of course there are pix of my Mom, Dad & brother who are gone now and it just seems to be good and sad at the same time if that makes sense? I am thankful that I can be off classes now to concentrate on what needs done here and have time to do my workouts good & hard! I DO know I will probably look back and think, wow, what a whiner you were because I am already feeling better with all your help. Thanks to everyone who posted. You guys are the only ones who would understand and I knew that! Thanks a zillion!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Thanks!

Debbie Hugs to you!
I recommend a book by Pamela Peeke,MD called Fight Fat after Forty. (corny name, but good solid advice) She is am MD who specializes on this topic and is well researched. I've heard her speak and was quite impressed. She also has a web page I believe it is or you can 'google' her name. She is a marvelous and motaviting woman. And has lived through this too!!!
RE: Thanks!

Thanks Judy! I'll see if I can find it. Big Hugs back atcha!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Thanks!

Hi again,
I just wanted to add one more thing about the moving stuff. I moved into my current home about 10 years ago and it was the worst, most stressful move, as the person in our new home wouldn't get out and we ended up physically moving his stuff into the garage so we could move in, as we already had paid the new owners of our old house 1 month's rent to stay there for an extra month. Moves can be very take it easy on yourself. I, personally, am newer to the boards, but it seems as though you have a lot of love and support from your friends here. You must be a very kind person and I know all about how stress affects the "good peeps" in the world. I hope you're feeling better from all of the support you got here. And re: the weight thing ....mine's up again 3 lbs today. I usually weigh myself on Saturday and Sunday every go figure.

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