Any idea when the dvd's will ship?


I hate to be a bother, but after reading people who have their video, I'm almost going bonkers wanting my dvd's.
Any idea at all about when the dvd's will ship? Any? At all?
Yes I know, it's kind of frustrating now, I *wish* I hadn't pre-ordered. Although SNM said the delay with the VHS wouldn't hinder the DVD progress, I don't think all those people out there would be happy if the DVD's shipped a week after they got the VHS, ( the ones who ordered VHS to tide them over), so to be honest I don't think the DVD's will be on the horizon for sometime yet. And I am also a bit annoyed that the DVD's will not be here "in the summer", it's going to be more winter. But I want you all to know this is not a gripe at Cathe, just something I feel needed to be said.

I would just like some confirmation of when they will likey to be ready. I think a huge lot of us and pre-orderd the DVD's and are trying our best to "wait" but it is hard. Espeically when we have no idea when they will likey ship. Any info would be most welcome.
Rhbrand --

Hi rhbrand,

I've preordered every DVD Cathe's made, and every time the difference between VHS and DVD has been almost exactly a month. For example, the Intensity Series VHS tapes began shipping on December 26 (after arriving on Christmas Eve -- no rest and no big holiday vacation for Chris & Cathe & crew!) and the DVD's arrived at SNM on January 24 and began shipping just a day or two later.

We MAY get lucky this time and have a little shorter wait since the VHS tapes were delayed about 10 days. Remember that there's been a separate project going on simultaneously to "master" the DVD's.

Patience, patience, patience -- it will be well worth it (and if you're like me, you've got PLENTY of Cathe videos to keep you busy in the meantime! :))

Hope this helps! Kathy S.
Just a few thoughts from a disgruntled DVD pre-sale purchaser:

Why would you consider it a "bother" to wonder when the dvd's you have bought and paid for will ship? I pre ordered way back in July (!) and now I regret doing so. Since pre-sale prices were good "for a limited time only" I figured I better order early if I want to save a few bucks, but now I see the same price is still being offered for a "limited time only". Obviously this is a ploy to get people to pre-order and guess what? It works! Now we all have to wait, however impatiently for them to get it together and ship.

I, for one, have been unimpressed with customer service from SNM. I had a problem with a DVD purchase and felt like I was "being a bother" to the customer service person who nearly insisted the flaws in the dvd were because of my DVD player, and couldn't possibly be because the DVD was inferior to begin with. I did get a replacement DVD that works like its supposed to, but SNM customer service left me cold.

I don't think SNM/Cathe has done a very good job at all of keeping customers who have bought and paid for this merchandise updated at all. I am disappointed.

I agree that customer service should always be good and sometimes for various reason it isn't. Cathe seems very genuine and i believe that she wants the best for us and from us. The Body Blast series has been on everyone's lips since July or so this year and the build up has been almost is what i'd like to happen next time. I would perfer not to know when new videos/dvds are being made and then for one day to suddenly see them on the site, all ready to ship. No problems. That is what i'd like to happen, then i wouldn't be waiting here (in the uk) like an over excited child waiting for christmas to arrive (when its only March! lol)... oh the fun of waiting... x
I guess that the next time there is a pre-sale SNM should post a disclaimer.....If you require an exact shipping date and/or are unable to wait additional time for dvds vs vhs, both formats will be on sale after production is complete and will ship immediately at that point.
I always preorder from Cathe and have never been disappointed. I knew when I placed my order that there would be a considerable amount of wait time which is not unusual. I also love knowing that new workouts are coming and seeing pictures ahead of time.
It is just VERY hard to wait! All the reviews coming in are making it 10x worse! I'm sure everyone is just trying to be super patient (so am I). :)

I knew it would be a while before we received the DVD's but there are some new people who might have not known when they ordered.

Let's just hope it isn't too much longer, cause I don't think I will make it! ;-)

Imagine what people who don't workout would think if they knew how worked up we all were to receive workout DVD's??? They would think we were pretty crazy :D
The waiting............

The waiting is the hardest part.............Tom petty said that or something like that! However, in the case of waiting for our new workouts to arrive that may not be the case. The "hardest part" is yet to come and that's what we are all so anxious to experience.

It's fun knowing the new workouts are "on the way" and having them to look forward to. I confess patience has never been one of my greater virtues.

I ordered all the BodyBlast dvd's and I'm hoping they will inspire me and keep me motivated to work out during the long winter months!

Kind regards,

This is my first preorder, since I just started out with Cathy last December, but I agree with you. I preordered on May 14, which I think was the first day. I am very anxious to get the workouts (I also agree with Sarah that people who don't workout, and even those not lucky enough to work out with Cathe, would probably think we're crazy), but people also have to think about about how much we're getting on the DVDs. I mean, my gosh, we're getting 20 premixes for vol 1-3 each! No one else does anything close to that. I know we're going nuts waiting, but we have to realize how great the final product will be, and that it's worth the wait.

I also agree with whoever said, if you can't wait, don't preorder!

Sorry, Kelley, I got a little carrierd away!
Anytime I preorder from Cathe, I know it will be months before we get the actual product. With that in mind, and even though I get anxious for my DVDs, I know that the wait will be worth it because she always delivers the highest quality workouts out there.

Can you believe we are getting over 70 workouts on those wonderful DVDs? It just boggles my mind!

I am also thrilled at the amount of shorter, Cathe intense, workouts (premixes) that are being included in each DVD. This is part of the product of "waiting" for the dvds - this time allows Cathe and crew to become more creative by the day! They are coming up with sooooo many new options/workouts!

For example, these premixes will allow me to do a Cathe intense workout and still allow me the opportunity to be able to tack on a run, a Total Gym routine, a Body-B-Fit workout, and/or one of the new Taebos (which are 45 minutes long).

What I have been doing to "survive" the DVD process is to focus on other workouts and rotation goals as much as I can (weight loss, definition, strength, flexibility, etc.). I find this new focus has helped me tremendously and I no longer feel "desperate" to receive my Cathe dvds:)D) (well, at least as much as I "felt" it before!:p).

...But, I am human!}( and, like most of you, would appreciate receiving "where we are in the process" updates more often. :+

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon[/img]
I think one of the things that's extended out the wait time on the DVD's is that Cathe invested in new DVD-production software that enables far more storage capacity on each disc, which enables far more premixes and far more finely-tuned chaptering, which is an extremely laborious, time-consuming process. For the Intensity Series DVD's, we got far more than we bargained for, with no extra dollar cost but a little more wait time.

I don't have a problem with extended wait times for new productions. I buy on the initial presale and truly feel like I've gotten twice to three times my money's worth not just comparing pre-order price to standard-order price, but also the quality of Cathe's productions compared to other video/DVD fitness producers. There's just no comparison, IMHO; Cathe is not riding the wave, she IS the wave in terms of pioneering DVD technology for her productions, for US.

As one who is also anxiously awaiting for my DVD's; I know how frustrating it could be to wait for them knowing that the VHS tapes have shipped.

I see it this way through... as I wait for my package to come to my doorstep I'm happily doing a CTX rotation and focusing on that. I know that they will get here and when they do great. In the meantime I'm enjoying what I have and pushing myself when I do them.

I don't want to spend my energy on wondering when they'll get here...they will, then that energy will be used positively.

Just enjoy what you have today on this great crisp fall day!

Just my humble .02
I think the disclaimer is an excellent idea. This is my second pre-order with Cathe (would have been my third, but I couldn't preorder the Intensities because of the darned economy) so I went into it knowing it would be a while. In fact, back in May when I predicted we would get our DVDs in November, everyone thought I was crazy.

The way I look at it, my preorder helped finance this wonderful set of workouts. Not only was I locking in a great price, I was also helping to ensure these quality workouts would have a chance to be produced in the first place. Maybe I'm way off base, but I was under the impression that preorders give the company the flexibility they need to produce the very best workouts without worry.

I look at it as an investment with a guaranteed return.

I definitely agree there should be a disclaimer posted, although Cathe and company have said repeatedly that they cannot guarantee when the videos will be done. I do know they work their little tails off to get stuff to us as soon as humanly possible, though. (Using the high step as an example-- it got to their facility on Wednesday and mine reached my house the following Monday. You can't get much more customer-oriented than that.)
A-Jock you couldn't say it any better. I agree with you 100%. I don't mind waiting for good quality and all of those premixes.
I'm perhaps annoyingly patient about these new workouts. I already have about a dozen virgin workouts to tide me over until the BB DVD's arrive. I've also rediscovered the pleasures of Karen Voight's older workouts (like Great Weighted Workout) which are now on DVD.

I haven't done some of Cathe's workouts (like Slow and HEavy) for quite a while (120+ workout videos and DVD's here, folks, and I haven't even officially counted!), so if I'm in need of a Cathe fix, I can go to those.

Just remember that, while the video buyers get their workouts first, our DVD's will have may times the usability of the videos, in terms of premixes and ability to jump from one exercise to another or mix our own workouts, as well as life expectancy.

I'm actually not planning to do the "new Cathes" until Thanksgiving break, when I plan to do a rotation of them.

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