Any Homeschoolers out there?

Hi. I was just curious how those of you who homeschool keep from getting cabin fever?? It seems homeschooling would in some way be unfulfilling (not sure if that's the word I'm looking for)ie. it may leave one feeling like you dont have a "career" to call your own. Any thoughts????


I am not a mom of homeschooled kids...but i did homeschooling 2-12.I did ABeka video school and I loved it.It is very advanced and you get an excellent education...not to mention that you sit there with your "class".You also are able to send your papers to the school to be graded.As far as the "social"thing goes I dont feel like I lacked there at all.This is definitely something that I would check into.
I am not a mom of homeschooled kids...but i did homeschooling 2-12.I did ABeka video school and I loved it.It is very advanced and you get an excellent education...not to mention that you sit there with your "class".You also are able to send your papers to the school to be graded.As far as the "social"thing goes I dont feel like I lacked there at all.This is definitely something that I would check into.
RE: Why I decided to homeschool...

Wow! You did your homework!!! Good luck. Unfortunately, there are many early childhood teachers out there (and teachers of upper grades) that insist their students must sit like little angels!! That makes me so mad!!!
RE: Hi Jennifer

Hi Hollie,

I was just wondering why your kids despise public school. Do they like homeschooling better? Oh, and thanks for the links:)

Jennifer are a veteran...very impressive. I am nervous about teaching 2 of my children and then with a 3 year old running around, but I guess it can be done. Me and hubby are really wanting to have a 4th child as well, but nervous about that with wanting to homeschool and all. You are a blessing and are a very blessed woman:)
Hi cmoroney

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-02 AT 07:22PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi are a veteran...very impressive. I am nervous about teaching 2 of my children and then with a 3 year old running around, but I guess it can be done. Me and hubby are really wanting to have a 4th child as well, but nervous about that with wanting to homeschool and all. You are a blessing and are a very blessed woman:)
Hi stacy,
In my town, we have a co-op group that is very active. So, it would be very hard to get cabin fever, unless you just decided not to get out of you house much. For example, there is gymnastics/exercise class that meets twice a week, there are playgroups at the park and all sorts of other activities. So, if you finished your "school work" in the mornings or say by 1:00, then the rest of the afternoon is play time with friends:) While the other kids are still in school:(

For me I would never feel like I am lacking a "career". When you have children that is your "career". So, I guess my new career is to be a school teacher to my kids at home:)

I totally understand your concerns about homeschooling, I used to think the same thing, but the lord has changed my is truly and amazing thing:)

Have a great day, Jennifer
RE: Hi cmoroney


I am really confident that you will be a great homeschooling mom. I just read your response to the cabin fever and the career inquiry. The last 28 years of my life or "my career" has been my children. My oldest is 28 and my youngest is 14 months old. I feel truly blessed to have given my life for my children. Sometimes, I do feel overwhelmed, when I think that I have 17 more years until my yougest is of the legal age of 18. But I try not to look that far into the future. That will be 45 years total - but children are a lifetime commitment.

I love my life and would not change any of it. My children mean more to me than all the money in the world.

I often get negative comments from people because I have so many children. But I often reply what if I had 10 Porsches in my garage would they be negative? No, I would then be considered successful. Well, I feel my children are worth more than that!

And to top it all off, I work out everday, so I am not very big. People are always more amazed at my physical appearance, since everyone assumes you get fat after children! I am in better shape now than I was as a teenager, since I do Cathe's tapes.

Good luck and we can keep in touch.

they despise it because of the environment. This is the first time they've been in a public school setting, and they have not even been there the whole year. I put them in in the middle of January....for financial reasons, so that I could work more...long story. The bad news is that my children are further ahead than where the school is. And my youngest is not thriving at all in his class (2nd grade). It's pitiful...they both keep asking me to take them out of there -- but, the year is almost over, and I don't want the school hassling me about it.

So, next year, I am definitely homeschooling my younger one (he wants to be homeschooled again), and my older one kind of wants to go to the middle school here. The good news is that I have heard good things about the middle school that he'd be going to. Well, that's about it, I guess. :)

You really kind of find your own way as you go. We are using Alpha Omega this year. I really like the switched on schoolhouse computer program for the older kids. I used the lifepacs this year for the younger ones, but I really don't know that I liked it that much. I think next year I will use the switched on schoolhouse again and add a handwriting book for them. And I may only use some of the lifepacs, for the younger ones, I haven't decided yet. You kind of re-evaluate every year, use what worked again and get rid of what you don't like. They have testing that you can get involved in also at the end of each year. If you are nervous that the kids are not where they need to be, the testing will place them and let you know for sure how they are doing.

Anyway, I hope I have been of help! We are also involved in a homeschool band. The kids really enjoy it. They have band two days a week and are really learning a lot and doing well.
>Hi. I was just curious
>how those of you who
>homeschool keep from getting cabin
>fever?? It seems homeschooling
>would in some way be
>unfulfilling (not sure if that's
>the word I'm looking for)ie.
>[it may leave one feeling
>like you dont have a
>"career" to call your own.]
> Any thoughts????
>>Hi. I was just curious
>>how those of you who
>>homeschool keep from getting cabin
>>fever?? It seems homeschooling
>>would in some way be
>>unfulfilling (not sure if that's
>>the word I'm looking for)ie.
>>[it may leave one feeling
>>like you dont have a
>>"career" to call your own.]
>> Any thoughts????

Hey Stacy,

for me when i decided to homeschool my children, I decided to not worry about that word "career". Our main concern is that our children are our "chief ministry". I hope this thought makes sense. As far as fulfilling, being a mommy is very fulfilling to me. I just love my kids so much, and no one could ever fulfill their needs whether it be emotional, physical, educational or social like the my husband and I. My 7 yr old dd is in plenty of social events, church, library, co-op, girl scouts, awana and might I even mention the grocery store!!!


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