>>Hi. I was just curious
>>how those of you who
>>homeschool keep from getting cabin
>>fever?? It seems homeschooling
>>would in some way be
>>unfulfilling (not sure if that's
>>the word I'm looking for)ie.
>>[it may leave one feeling
>>like you dont have a
>>"career" to call your own.]
>> Any thoughts????
Hey Stacy,
for me when i decided to homeschool my children, I decided to not worry about that word "career". Our main concern is that our children are our "chief ministry". I hope this thought makes sense. As far as fulfilling, being a mommy is very fulfilling to me. I just love my kids so much, and no one could ever fulfill their needs whether it be emotional, physical, educational or social like the my husband and I. My 7 yr old dd is in plenty of social events, church, library, co-op, girl scouts, awana and might I even mention the grocery store!!!