I have to commend you guys that can handle the step, I only use mine for weight training DVD's, my choreography is non-exsistant, which is why I love kickboxing ang am starting to actually enjoy jogging.
hey guys...I'm here!! Just a little late today. Chris - glad to hear things are back to normal.
SO - I did IMAX III today and threw in a little core work for good measure. I finally made it through without screwing up any steps - a major accomplishment, yes??
Anyway - I'm looking forward to showing off my chops in August
Catch you guys tomorrow!!
Step is hard for me to get, but I know that if I try I could get it.
Sorry, I haven't checked in for a while, I was in St Lucia. Didn't really work out. Unless you call lying on the beach and golfing a workout ;-)